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I think no certain conclusion. It depends.

My friend once hired two young nannies before that old FuJian lady. The two women took care of the kids, but didn't do much cooking and housework, still cost around $1000/M. From chatting with them, my friend knew they all took a job better than nanny position when they were in china. She felt they're not satisfied to their present situation, and not that devoted to the employer. My friend is very satisfied with that old lady, because she is so experienced, and always actively tries to find what a housewife have to do at home.
I have to say, my friend might be lopsided according to her own experience. It really depends what kind of person you would find.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 各位大狭那位有经验请过保姆(住家或不住家),照顾1岁左右孩子和少量家务,大概要多少钱? 谢谢了!
    • I think 60$/day would be reasonable, , I know somebody works Monday to Friday, goes back to her own home on weekend.
      • Too expensive!
        • 是吗? 60多岁的老太太,只做家务不看孩子还挣50刀一天呢. 但她会说广东话,给香港人做事, 还住家.
    • 上班时间照顾的话,600-700。全住家1000。
    • 听朋友说一般只照顾孩子每月$700,连带做家务的比较少。
    • 谢谢楼上各位!
      • 我以前雇的保母还不错. 家务事全包也只要700. 如果你在是家堡就可以请她.
        • I am in Scar. too. Do you have her number?
          • 手头没有. 找到后发你的信箱去.
    • My friend's experience.
      I have a female coworker. She has two kids, a 5-year-old daughter, and a 1-year-old son. She found a 50-year-old FuJiang lady to live at her home from Monday to Friday, looking after children, also cooking and doing housework. It costs $1100/M, in Toronto. My coworker found the nanny from Chinatown, who's been in Canada for many years and once was a refugee. She really works hard for my coworker. My coworker's experience is: don't try to find a nanny in new immigrants. She tried twice, all failed before she found the old nanny.
      • Thanks a lot for your information!
      • Hi, happymoon, I am wanting a babysitter. And I am really considering your opinion. Can you explain why your friends were not satisfied the the nannies who were new immirants?
        Is it because they were not used to be nannies so they did not know what responsibilities are included? Or they did not work hard enough?
        • I think no certain conclusion. It depends.
          My friend once hired two young nannies before that old FuJian lady. The two women took care of the kids, but didn't do much cooking and housework, still cost around $1000/M. From chatting with them, my friend knew they all took a job better than nanny position when they were in china. She felt they're not satisfied to their present situation, and not that devoted to the employer. My friend is very satisfied with that old lady, because she is so experienced, and always actively tries to find what a housewife have to do at home.
          I have to say, my friend might be lopsided according to her own experience. It really depends what kind of person you would find.