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It is so damn sorry to see so many people are actually opening their mouth before they think...

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Anyone who has an affair out of an existing marriage, man or woman, is not exusable. If they decide that a marriage - one of the most important committment people will ever make in their life - is not worth carrying out, they should end the marriage before they start doing anything with or without an excuse of love for the third party. Having an affair out of marriage is just simply wrong. How could so many people on this site simply jump the boat and share their support with a woman who is cheating her husband behind his back!!! Does ETHICs still mean anything to anyone? Does virtue still mean anything to anyone? Does everyone know why the woman is here by herself? Does anyone know how her husband feels living without a wife? I have lived in north america for more than a decade and have seen enough women living without a husband, not because their husband doesn't want to stay with them, but they choose not to stay with their husbands, THEY CHOOSE TO DO SO BEXAUSE THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT. How could everyone simply say "yeah it is hard to be alone so having an affair out of your marrigae is just fine?" Would you say that to your own husband or wife if you are going awayf for a while? It is totally disgusting to have an affair out of a marriage with an thin excuse of love and loneliness, and, getting so much applause at the same time.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / Falling in love with an American guy, LG in China... should I leave LG and marry this American guy or stay alone in Canada?
    • should you? you tell me.
    • who should ask?you already did it,do you ask for excuse?
    • 您都已经“倒入爱中”了,还要俺们说该干嘛?您想让俺们做鼓励没有爱情的婚姻的不道德者?没门,俺看啊,您该干吗干吗去吧。
      • :D
      • Things are not always so simple...
        I have been away from my LG for 4 years, he visited me a couple times. It's certain he will not come to North America.
        This American guy is a nice person, he did divoice one Chinese girl before, but that girl left him, not the opposite.
        I just need a normal, complete life. I do have concern about living with him for everyday life.
        Sigh, I think I will just close eyes and jump...
        • 女人老一个人过是太苦了, 既然你LG不会来,说明他对你们俩的生活已经无所谓了,何必勉强维持
        • 夜深人静的时候,一个人冷静的想想,如果你觉得你在多年以后还能觉得自己问心无愧,我就送你这么一段话:My mama always said, "Life is like a box of chocolates.You never know what you're gonna get."
          • 原来您就是阿甘?失敬失敬
            • :-))))))))))
        • 对不起,我无意,也无资格评价或谴责你的个人生活,但是基于你自己在网上披露的情况,我建议你应该尽快决断你的婚姻,照我的看法,你和国内的婚姻四年下来已经差不多死亡了,如果我是你LG早就给你找个借口放你走了,至于那老外,是
          Another story
          • Right, make it more clear, finish the last relationship/marriage, and then think about to start another one.
        • 4年你加拿大身份已经拿到了,和老外谈恋爱的英语在国内绝对能找到好工作。其实你真正想取舍的就是一个美国身份和一个4年的爱情。
          • You are partly right, very down to earth. :)
    • 林子大了.
    • 和老外结婚不会有好结果的。
      • 你先问问饺子再说
        • 我不想和饺子直面这个问题,人家已经成了事实,我劝还没有成事实即将成事实的人不要做傻事,除非你另有所图,比如你的第一愿望是是对方的钱,对方的家庭,而不是爱情,如果你的第一愿望是爱情,还是悬崖勒马吧。
    • qi xing...
    • so u r saying u r married but having an affair rite now? it's called cheating. cheating is shameful. dont cheat. divorce and then start another relationship.
      • My LG is away from for 4 years, I have been here in North America alone for such a long time. I love this American guy, he is funny and handsome, it is just a fact lying here.
        • so,you got youranswer.good luck. :-)
        • one suggestion: living together b4 tieing the knot again. culture difference can be fun while can also be pain.
          • thank you, that's true.
            • You can live the life of " common in law"
              • common law只能延缓,并不能解决文化差异和婚姻是否幸福的问题,但是文化差异也没有那么可怕,看到过太多的中外幸福婚姻,何况同文同种就一定彼此了解和幸福吗?
                • 不结婚不是可以省却一旦合不来要离婚所带来的手续和财产分割上的麻烦吗
                  • common law一年以上分手时一样有财产分割等问题
                    • 那开始common law时也得注册登记?
                      • 不是,是你自己宣称你是common law时,在有必要提供文件时,要提供证据证明你何时开始,如报税,租房合同,账单,地址变更通知等等
    • Know what this is called? This is called a BITCH. Sorry bitch.
      • Know what this is called? This is called a BITCH. Sorry bitch
        • hey guys, if the post is from HIM, and HE falls in love with an american girl. what will you guys say? 'Know what this is called? This is called a ASSHOLE. Sorry ASSHOLE'? or HE will be YOUR HERO? ha!
          • sorry, women are my favorite. I've seen enough ASSHOLE.
            • 才发现原来跟错贴了,刚想删的时候发现已经有跟贴了,不好意思。我指的是您楼上那rmb(RMB)。
              • why does it matter if it is a man or woman?
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Anyone who has an affair out of an existing marriage, man or woman, is not exusable. If they decide that a marriage - one of the most important committment people will ever make in their life - is not worth carrying out, they should end the marriage before they start doing anything with or without an excuse of love for the third party. Having an affair out of marriage is just simply wrong. How could so many people on this site simply jump the boat and share their support with a woman who is cheating her husband behind his back!!! Does ETHICs still mean anything to anyone? Does virtue still mean anything to anyone? Does everyone know why the woman is here by herself? Does anyone know how her husband feels living without a wife? I have lived in north america for more than a decade and have seen enough women living without a husband, not because their husband doesn't want to stay with them, but they choose not to stay with their husbands, THEY CHOOSE TO DO SO BEXAUSE THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT. How could everyone simply say "yeah it is hard to be alone so having an affair out of your marrigae is just fine?" Would you say that to your own husband or wife if you are going awayf for a while? It is totally disgusting to have an affair out of a marriage with an thin excuse of love and loneliness, and, getting so much applause at the same time.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 做你想做的事情,只要你问心无愧,管其他人说什么.单身女人在北美确实很辛苦, I support you.
      • 别光说单身女人很辛苦.没个女人,单身男人也是一样辛苦.
        • 如果婚姻真的有问题了,还是早解决的好。
      • 你怎么这么苦大仇深呢.
        • 小泰,你是未婚男青,好像不能凑这个热闹吧?:)
          • Good! :-)
            • 苏州美眉,你是未婚女青,好像也不能凑这个热闹吗:)
              • who told you I'm single? ^_*
                • 大熊猫说的,他满世界嚷嚷:)
                  • My god. Faint.Faint.Faint.
                    • 赶紧,扶着扶着扶着:)
                      • fatboy,you are impossible..........
                        But some of your opinion are pretty wise.
          • 小胖,俺这也只是就事论事.本来嘛,你爱做什么就做什么,也没人拦着,可也别总想给自己干的不带劲的事找件破布挡着吧.
            • 她们女人不是一贯如此吗?做什么事要找个借口先,比方说要考车牌,天天拉着你练车不算,还要说,我这是为你好奥,要不谁肯让你教开车啊?:) 你以后习惯了就好:)
              • 男同胞有时也不一样?:)
      • You have to be very strong and independent,
        but still they hope to have someone to talk to, or just for a walk. this is the first time to think about divorce, feel the uncertain, kind of scary. I found there are many people here who are willing to help, this is the first time to talk about it. I have been through a lot, very strong, at least from outside.
        Actually, quite a few people I met in US have the same problem, they are enduring so much. I do not think the native American would do that.
        • 老外那有忍受四年分离的?四个月都不行啊,曾经见过一个同学的女朋友到实验室来一边等一边绣结婚要用的枕套(鬼妹的女红居然也很棒),感情不可谓不深,几个月一过,鬼妹考上麦及耳,两人马上分手
          • 大嘴萝卜丝在" 我好友地婚礼"里和他男友分离那么久怎么还是要找他
            • 那是编电影,现在你是一边看一边上网吧?顺便说一句,个人认为大嘴巴的表演在这个片子中不如卡麦蓉,遂使后者一跃成为好莱坞一线女星
              • 卡美眉实在是太漂亮啦啊哈.你从瀑布和JAN美眉腐败会来啦?
                • 你这就眼看着公然start rumor了?今天热死了,还好大的水汽,不过彩虹飘飘,很过瘾
    • Enjoying a happy life is much more important than a marriage.
      What others say doesn't matter. they spill out some words, most useless to you. Go ahead, live your own life.
      • 94.
    • will you finalize your marriage with American guy?it seems both of you are hunting-oriented guy.
    • 就是个火坑,可该你跳你还是只能跳,看来你已经跳了,所以往前走,做完它!
    • It is so damn sorry to see so many people are actually opening their mouth before they think...
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Anyone who has an affair out of an existing marriage, man or woman, is not exusable. If they decide that a marriage - one of the most important committment people will ever make in their life - is not worth carrying out, they should end the marriage before they start doing anything with or without an excuse of love for the third party. Having an affair out of marriage is just simply wrong. How could so many people on this site simply jump the boat and share their support with a woman who is cheating her husband behind his back!!! Does ETHICs still mean anything to anyone? Does virtue still mean anything to anyone? Does everyone know why the woman is here by herself? Does anyone know how her husband feels living without a wife? I have lived in north america for more than a decade and have seen enough women living without a husband, not because their husband doesn't want to stay with them, but they choose not to stay with their husbands, THEY CHOOSE TO DO SO BEXAUSE THIS IS WHAT THEY WANT. How could everyone simply say "yeah it is hard to be alone so having an affair out of your marrigae is just fine?" Would you say that to your own husband or wife if you are going awayf for a while? It is totally disgusting to have an affair out of a marriage with an thin excuse of love and loneliness, and, getting so much applause at the same time.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
      • Very well said! Agree.
      • It's nothing to do about wrong or right,
        we are just normal people to talk about the problems happening in our liives that we have to deal with. Here is not court, so just let everyone speak out, we are enjoying the freedom. :)
        • No, this is not problems WE have to deal with in OUR LIVES. It is a shity problem of YOUR OWN...
          And "It has nothing to do with right or wrong?" Oh I'm sorry I didn't know this has nothing to do with right or wrong!!! You are not only unfaithful, you are totally shameless as well. I'm sorry to say this, but I can't help wondering why your soon-to-be ex-husband had married you in the first place. Man or woman, who doesn't give a damn to his/her own committement to his/her family, is the cheapest of all kinds. I wonder why any man who has a clear head would ever consider you, a cheating, unfaithful, and shameless, woman to be a long term partner of his life. Please don't reply to my post my friend, I really don't have anything else to say to you. What you have done is simply disgusting.
    • Condemn such disloyalty!!! Marriage=Commitment If you abandon your husband now and pursue your love, how can you be sure that your love with that America will last for life time?
    • You are cheating your husband. You should feel ashamed of yourself.
    • 生活总是要继续的。法律没有禁止你那么做。最多就是以后你也许会对此愧疚,有如何?其实现在舆论对此已经很宽松了
        • 持之以恒, 事在人为 good! keep going . sooner or later, u will be a professional BITCH. I am waiting for that day and i will pay u lots of $$$. just what u want.