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求助啊乡亲们, 收到体检通知同时又要求无犯罪证明, 我们上次明明已经交了呀, Email标题是: Request for Medical and Police Certificate, 详情是

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛详情是: 父母目前人在China; Sponsorship Application date: 2008/01/03 补材料 date: 2012/01/11: Sponsorship DM date: 2012/03/02; 转Ottawa, Email for ME (and police certificate) date: 2012/03/27
我随后发电子邮件询问Case Processing Pilot – Ottawa, 到底是certificate 过期了还是不符合要求,今日有回复,全文如下:
Dear Sir/Madam:
Due to the high volume of correspondence received, we are unable to provide status update. The officer responsible for your file will contact you if any action is required from you. Please note the standard service time for Family Class application is twelve months from the date you received notice from Case Processing Centre Mississauga. In the meantime, please ensure your contact information with us is up-to-date.
All police certificates must be original and sent to our office at the address below as soon as available. If the document is not in English or French, it must be accompanied by the English or French translation completed by a certified translator and attached to the original police certificate.
If you have already sent in the original police certificate(s), do not resend.


我们的公证是在南京做的,12月从派出所开了无犯罪证明,公证时公证处把证明原件扣下来了,也没有附上公安局的复印件,但是出具了一份新的无犯罪公证书(中/英文)。从2011/12/16 到2012/03/27 过了三个月,但是不到6个月。如今CIC要original police certificate,难道公证件不算数? 我到底是不是该 “do not resend.”?

我想请问各位,你们的公证件是否附上了公安局的证明复印件,是否遇到我们这种情况,给支点招。谢谢啊!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 求助啊乡亲们, 收到体检通知同时又要求无犯罪证明, 我们上次明明已经交了呀, Email标题是: Request for Medical and Police Certificate, 详情是
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛详情是: 父母目前人在China; Sponsorship Application date: 2008/01/03 补材料 date: 2012/01/11: Sponsorship DM date: 2012/03/02; 转Ottawa, Email for ME (and police certificate) date: 2012/03/27
    我随后发电子邮件询问Case Processing Pilot – Ottawa, 到底是certificate 过期了还是不符合要求,今日有回复,全文如下:
    Dear Sir/Madam:
    Due to the high volume of correspondence received, we are unable to provide status update. The officer responsible for your file will contact you if any action is required from you. Please note the standard service time for Family Class application is twelve months from the date you received notice from Case Processing Centre Mississauga. In the meantime, please ensure your contact information with us is up-to-date.
    All police certificates must be original and sent to our office at the address below as soon as available. If the document is not in English or French, it must be accompanied by the English or French translation completed by a certified translator and attached to the original police certificate.
    If you have already sent in the original police certificate(s), do not resend.


    我们的公证是在南京做的,12月从派出所开了无犯罪证明,公证时公证处把证明原件扣下来了,也没有附上公安局的复印件,但是出具了一份新的无犯罪公证书(中/英文)。从2011/12/16 到2012/03/27 过了三个月,但是不到6个月。如今CIC要original police certificate,难道公证件不算数? 我到底是不是该 “do not resend.”?

    我想请问各位,你们的公证件是否附上了公安局的证明复印件,是否遇到我们这种情况,给支点招。谢谢啊!更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • 我昨天刚刚问过同样的问题,有好心的XDJM 回答是,这是CIC的统一格式,上面已经写明如果已提供过不需理会。
      • 谢谢,希望是你说的. 我想过是否统一格式可能性, 但是大家都不知道别人ME的EMAIL格式和标题,我只记得一个人提到通知ME的邮件标题,只有体检没有说再要无犯罪证明(现在找不到). 给我的邮件在 Original 上还字体加黑加粗. 所以我很想知道2点:
        1, 大家收到的电子邮件标题都带有补 police certificate 要求吗? 因为除了你的情况以外,别人只说要求ME. (不好意思,我昨天没有看到你同样的问题)
        2, 我确实没有 original police certificate, 被公证处扣下了, 并且连复印件都没有带, 如果大家都是这种情况,那就不怕. 请问?
        • Request for Medical and Police Certificate.这是我的邮件标题。If you have already sent in the updated police certificate, you do not require to resend it.显而易见统一格式,交过了不用交。
          • +1,我的也一样!
    • 你真幸运,还得到了渥太华的回复,我发邮件给他们已经一个半月了,一点回复都没有。
      • 安慰一下. 看来他们忙乱套了, 至今不回你信不应该. 给我回的邮件也等于没有回,象是电脑自动写的,根本没有人去查看我们的文件,不负责任.
        • 是否回复也已经不重要了,反正已经采纳了我的探亲体检。
          • Questions, please help! My parents had ME last year August for applying Visa to Canada, now I revived ME for immigration, can I use the same ME result to GIC? Please advice, waiting urgently!
            • up
            • 这个我也不明白,可以发E-MAIL给CIC 问问,或者请哪位有经验的说说成功的案例。祝好运。
              • 让原先体检的诊所用你新的体检表再送一次报告。温哥华有个诊所是可以的,我也这样做了,网上status也已经更新为ME received。
          • 我也有同样的问题,我父母探亲体检还没有到期,如何让移民部采纳?请教了,先谢了