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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我也是从五月初开始不能CHECK ONLINE,我五月八日给CIC打电话,他们说最近从旧系统更新到新系统,如果你现在不能CHECK ONLINE, 请EMAIL到QUESTION@CIC.GC.CA, 并且提供以下资料。我星期二EMAIL的,星期四又能查了。

If your request requires us to access your immigration file (for example to assist you with an online application that you already submitted), we would need the following information:

1. Surname (last name)- Exactly as it appears on the passport or identity document

2. Given name(s) (first name)- Exactly as it appears on the passport or identity document

3. Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD)

4. Country of birth

5. Client ID Number

6. Your current status in Canada

7. The expiration date of that status

8. Complete address (including the postal code). If the residential address is different from the mailing address, please provide both addresses.

9. Telephone number. If you have more than one contact number, please provide them all.

10. Type of application (work permit, study permit or visitor record)

11. Approximate date that the application was submitted

12. Office to which the application was sent (complete address)

If the above information was not included in your email, please email us again with the requested information.

Also be advised that, as per the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and its Regulations, you must respect the conditions imposed upon you at the time of entry to Canada. For temporary residents, this includes the obligation to maintain a legal status for the duration of your stay. Please be aware that sending us an email does not remove the obligation to respect those conditions.

If your situation requires an immediate response, you may also contact our Call Centre<http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/contact...asp#callcentre>.

Thank you. Sincerely,

e-Services Unit更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 为什么我在网上根本就进不去查看父母移民的状态,以前都好好的,就最近一个星期不能进入。 有人和我一样吗?
    • 你是不是最近补料的那批?文件几号米西沙家签收的?
      • 请问dulululu,你昨天说的查状态的号码,是在哪里显示的?
        • B0------ 要到local office
          • 谢谢你。
    • 好像网页进不了了!
    • CIC网站最近在维护,有时会出现打不开页面的情况。
    • 今天查状态的网页打不开
      • 我怎么一直可以登录呢
    • 我是是最近补料的那批,文件4月24米西沙家签收的。和这个有关系吗
      • 据不可靠消息,说明正在翻阅你的补料,这几个日子周围签收的人可以自己看看是否该状态。
        • 3月30号这批的,材料4月20日寄出,至今也没有消息,怎么知道对方收到了呢?
          • can you check your online status?
    • 我也进不去,很奇怪,输入的信息都是正确的啊
      • 我也是,输入的信息都是正确的,但也进不去,不知道怎么回事?
        • 之前你能进去吗?我周五还能进,今天就进不去了
          • 我礼拜五晚上开始就不可以了。
            • 请问你是什么时候寄的补材料?我和我老婆的是一起寄的,但我老婆的还能进去,我的就进不去了
              • 我是4月23日寄,应该是25日寄到,你呢。
                • 刚才在家园网上看到一个同学写的,希望可以帮到我们:
                  本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛我也是从五月初开始不能CHECK ONLINE,我五月八日给CIC打电话,他们说最近从旧系统更新到新系统,如果你现在不能CHECK ONLINE, 请EMAIL到QUESTION@CIC.GC.CA, 并且提供以下资料。我星期二EMAIL的,星期四又能查了。

                  If your request requires us to access your immigration file (for example to assist you with an online application that you already submitted), we would need the following information:

                  1. Surname (last name)- Exactly as it appears on the passport or identity document

                  2. Given name(s) (first name)- Exactly as it appears on the passport or identity document

                  3. Date of birth (YYYY-MM-DD)

                  4. Country of birth

                  5. Client ID Number

                  6. Your current status in Canada

                  7. The expiration date of that status

                  8. Complete address (including the postal code). If the residential address is different from the mailing address, please provide both addresses.

                  9. Telephone number. If you have more than one contact number, please provide them all.

                  10. Type of application (work permit, study permit or visitor record)

                  11. Approximate date that the application was submitted

                  12. Office to which the application was sent (complete address)

                  If the above information was not included in your email, please email us again with the requested information.

                  Also be advised that, as per the Immigration and Refugee Protection Act and its Regulations, you must respect the conditions imposed upon you at the time of entry to Canada. For temporary residents, this includes the obligation to maintain a legal status for the duration of your stay. Please be aware that sending us an email does not remove the obligation to respect those conditions.

                  If your situation requires an immediate response, you may also contact our Call Centre<http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/contact...asp#callcentre>.

                  Thank you. Sincerely,

                  e-Services Unit更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • 我是4月10号寄的,刚才给cic打电话,她说她的系统里面显示周五我的状态变化了,变成sponsorship documents received,应该两周以内会给我发email告知。我估计不是换系统,就是他们在处理您的材料了
                  • update, 网上状态礼拜五开始不能查看,礼拜六写了email, 今天礼拜一,又可以查到状态了,两个都变成application received.
      • 我也从星期五早上就进不去了,25号寄的材料.
        • 刚才给cic打电话了,说是因为材料收到了,他们正在处理。应该两周内会收到email通知DM
          • 我的是26号寄到,从星期五开始查不到状态,今天收到一份CIC的邮件,说移民材料收到了,同时还给了File#。但是online status还是查不到