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Some memories

(1) Crib (baby's bed). You better put him/her in there from the first night, otherwise it's very hard to let him/her sleep in own bed. ( We've failed twice after 12 mo)
(2) Stroller.
(3) Car Seat. (for infant, if you have a car or van)
(4) Milk bottle, and steamer. ( maybe formula )
(5) cloth, socks(?)
(6) diaper, change table, wiper
(7) Some small toys, like "My first teddy"...
(8) Digital Camera or DV, you got a lot of interesting stuff to take.
(9) Baby Monitor(?). If you let baby sleep in the bedroom and you are doing something in the living room, you'll need this
(10) Patience and love. * I think this is the most important thing.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / Hi, any DXs who has baby can share some info with me? I'm having baby, what should I prepare? I mean the stuff for baby, what I know are baby bed, stroller. And where can I buy them? Thanks a lot!
    • Some memories
      (1) Crib (baby's bed). You better put him/her in there from the first night, otherwise it's very hard to let him/her sleep in own bed. ( We've failed twice after 12 mo)
      (2) Stroller.
      (3) Car Seat. (for infant, if you have a car or van)
      (4) Milk bottle, and steamer. ( maybe formula )
      (5) cloth, socks(?)
      (6) diaper, change table, wiper
      (7) Some small toys, like "My first teddy"...
      (8) Digital Camera or DV, you got a lot of interesting stuff to take.
      (9) Baby Monitor(?). If you let baby sleep in the bedroom and you are doing something in the living room, you'll need this
      (10) Patience and love. * I think this is the most important thing.
      • Thanks a lot!!!
    • Go to <Toy s Us>, and <Bay> or <Sears> ask for baby stuff

      1. http://search.sears.ca/sears/srch?se_cmd=searchWithLinguistics&se_q=baby&se_res=QIR_ShopOnline&se_l=e&se_n=1&se_p=10&se_pr=&se_cat=babies_/_toddlers&se_r=r

      2. http://www.amazon.com/exec/obidos/tg/browse/-/540744/ref=t_hp_rs_r-1/104-7981627-1939124