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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛134. (1) For the purpose of subparagraph 133(1)(j)(i), the total income of the sponsor shall be determined in accordance with the following rules:

(a) the sponsor's income shall be calculated on the basis of the last notice of assessment, or an equivalent document, issued by the Minister of National Revenue in respect of the most recent taxation year preceding the date of filing of the sponsorship application;

(b) if the sponsor produces a document referred to in paragraph (a), the sponsor's income is the income earned as reported in that document less the amounts referred to in subparagraphs (c)(i) to (v);

(c) if the sponsor does not produce a document referred to in paragraph (a), or if the sponsor's income as calculated under paragraph (b) is less than their minimum necessary income, the sponsor's Canadian income for the 12-month period preceding the date of filing of the sponsorship application is the income earned by the sponsor not including

(i) any provincial allowance received by the sponsor for a program of instruction or training,

(ii) any social assistance received by the sponsor from a province,

(iii) any financial assistance received by the sponsor from the Government of Canada under a resettlement assistance program,

(iv) any amounts paid to the sponsor under the Employment Insurance Act, other than special benefits,

(v) any monthly guaranteed income supplement paid to the sponsor under the Old Age Security Act, and

(vi) any Canada child tax benefit paid to the sponsor under the Income Tax Act; and

(d) if there is a co-signer, the income of the co-signer, as calculated in accordance with paragraphs (a) to (c), with any modifications that the circumstances require, shall be included in the calculation of the sponsor's income.

Marginal note:Change in circumstances
(2) If an officer receives information indicating that the sponsor is no longer able to fulfil the sponsorship undertaking, the Canadian income of the sponsor shall be calculated in accordance with paragraph (1)(c) on the basis of the 12-month period preceding the day the officer receives that information rather than the 12-month period referred to in that paragraph.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 以前,我一直是这里的活跃分子,积极回答大家的各种问题,难免有各种错误,或误导大家,今天有人把一年前的帖翻出来,我内心也很大的反应,大家看完这个链接后,我有错误,大家就原谅,大家对CIC有诸多抱怨,内心也可以平静一些.
    • 没太看明白,不过常常见到你的帖子,感觉你真是个热心人,懂得也很多。就算有人讲了你些什么,不要介意,还是有很多人感谢你的,包括我在内。借这个机会说一声谢谢!
    • 大苯像,未曾谋面,但我觉得,您却是个大好人。热心肠。受益不浅。万分感谢。
    • 别想太多了,不觉得你的回答有什么不当的。
      他能办下来,只是个案,比较幸运没有被查到详细的情况而已。再说咱们又不是CIC里面的工作人员(就算是,他们每个人处理的准则一样,结果还未见得相同呢),是根据自己的COMMOM SENSE给他提供建议吧了。不要打击你的积极性呀,你是好人一个哈。
    • 这也太幸运了,希望这运气能让我爸妈遇上。
    • 你的回答还好呀,说话比较直,表达了自己的观点而已。并没有涉及到人身攻击,所以我觉得没有问题呀。
    • 大家都是互相学习,帮助,不用那么自责。否则以后谁还敢回别人的贴啊。
    • 立法严肃,执法必严。CIC两条都没做到。
    • 如果确实有规定说审批前每一年都要满足收入要求的话,"你就算了吧"没啥问题;不过,"在最不公平历史上可以千古留名了"容易引发争议。
      • 2008,2009年都只有万把收入,我相信本坛没有这么离谱的收入还申请父母亲移民的.用2007年的收入递交担保时间已是2008年7月了,应该很知道自己2008年收入大致情况,还能递表,够有意思的.所以我承认错误.
        • 我不懂这些移民问题,但我知道你是一个热心人
        • 我们现在看到的也只是这个人的一面之辞,也许他把09-11都补足了。这样只有08年少了,运气好就过了。
        • 刚刚研究了一下regulation,如果移民官收到申请人不满足收入要求的报告的话,应该检查收到报告前12个月该申请人的总收入。并没有规定移民官一定要审查申请人每一年的收入。
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛134. (1) For the purpose of subparagraph 133(1)(j)(i), the total income of the sponsor shall be determined in accordance with the following rules:

          (a) the sponsor's income shall be calculated on the basis of the last notice of assessment, or an equivalent document, issued by the Minister of National Revenue in respect of the most recent taxation year preceding the date of filing of the sponsorship application;

          (b) if the sponsor produces a document referred to in paragraph (a), the sponsor's income is the income earned as reported in that document less the amounts referred to in subparagraphs (c)(i) to (v);

          (c) if the sponsor does not produce a document referred to in paragraph (a), or if the sponsor's income as calculated under paragraph (b) is less than their minimum necessary income, the sponsor's Canadian income for the 12-month period preceding the date of filing of the sponsorship application is the income earned by the sponsor not including

          (i) any provincial allowance received by the sponsor for a program of instruction or training,

          (ii) any social assistance received by the sponsor from a province,

          (iii) any financial assistance received by the sponsor from the Government of Canada under a resettlement assistance program,

          (iv) any amounts paid to the sponsor under the Employment Insurance Act, other than special benefits,

          (v) any monthly guaranteed income supplement paid to the sponsor under the Old Age Security Act, and

          (vi) any Canada child tax benefit paid to the sponsor under the Income Tax Act; and

          (d) if there is a co-signer, the income of the co-signer, as calculated in accordance with paragraphs (a) to (c), with any modifications that the circumstances require, shall be included in the calculation of the sponsor's income.

          Marginal note:Change in circumstances
          (2) If an officer receives information indicating that the sponsor is no longer able to fulfil the sponsorship undertaking, the Canadian income of the sponsor shall be calculated in accordance with paragraph (1)(c) on the basis of the 12-month period preceding the day the officer receives that information rather than the 12-month period referred to in that paragraph.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
        • 就算这样侥幸过来了又怎样?有钱租大房子?有钱供房?日后还不得鸡飞狗跳的,弄到最后不是离婚,就是父母回国。和没办一样,甚至更糟。
          • 也许人家在北上广已经有好几套房子了呢?
    • 看到好多大象的热心解答,你是个好心人,不要在意太多。支持大象!!!
    • 大家参考这个,担保期间因为收入历史上曾有一次12个月里差51刀(楼主在第23楼所述)被拒绝的吧.
      • 这里不是有一些代表能够有机会和反对党以及国会对话的么?不知道他们看到这个帖子了没有。能不能代表sponsor替大家向上头说句话。看到不少ID在这里愤愤不平地长期等待或者无法申请父母过来,一方面cic胡乱批根本不符合条件的移民父母。
    • 这个世界不是100%公平的。标准和原则却是不变的,大象你没有错啊!不需要有任何不愉快的想法。
      每天都有人钻空子得到利益,达到目的,good for them. 但是那并不代表世界就是那样运行的。人的一生很长,生活也包括方方面面,得失对错不是一时一事就可以说清楚的。骗得了别人,骗不了自己。这样的人也只有祝他们好自为之,千万别翻船了。