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Your CIC online application status shows the case with the above UCI has been in process as of May 2, 2012. I haven't got any update since then. As I am afraid I have missed anything from you since May 2, 2012, could you please confirm that the case is still in process and you haven't sent me any update or request for such as medical examination or other purpose.

By the way, could you please let us know whether it is reasonable to expect a letter or email from you soon stating the main applicant and his family member have met the permanent resident application requirements. It is essential for the family member here now in Canada to show this letter to get her Ontario Health Insurance application in process.


Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 6月14日给北京写信询问进程,今天收到体检通知,激动。请加到同学录。请知道体检内容的同学帮忙说一下体检内容,想让老爸老妈先检查,然后再体检。谢谢!!
    • 北京有没有给你回信?都写了些什么?
      • 就是今天这封回信,啥也没说,只是给了体检通知,有了通知,我也不在乎他们说什么了。下面是6月14日给他们的信。
        Your CIC online application status shows the case with the above UCI has been in process as of May 2, 2012. I haven't got any update since then. As I am afraid I have missed anything from you since May 2, 2012, could you please confirm that the case is still in process and you haven't sent me any update or request for such as medical examination or other purpose.

        By the way, could you please let us know whether it is reasonable to expect a letter or email from you soon stating the main applicant and his family member have met the permanent resident application requirements. It is essential for the family member here now in Canada to show this letter to get her Ontario Health Insurance application in process.

        • 恭喜!恭喜,!
          • 谢谢。我也不知道是 不是我的信有作用了。
            • 羡慕,信肯定是有作用的,我老妈老爸上次来探亲,签证也是我一写信催,马上就下来了。朵朵妈妈,good job!
    • 先恭喜你。昨天我母亲刚体检过,没什么特别的,跟探亲体检是一样的。就是岁数越大,他们就着重老人的记忆力有没有减退。会问你各种问题,考你加、减、画图、书写等等。个人感觉他们非常害怕老年痴呆。如果你父母70岁以下就更没有什么可担心的了。
      • 谢谢大家鼓励和帮助。我真的很高兴,已经等了5年,老人一天比一天衰老,真怕他们等不到来这里的日子。现在终于看到曙光。希望大家都很快得到好消息!
      • 老爸老妈都80了。我会事先让他们练习数学,希望能过关。
        • 放心,没有问题。
          • 一般老年人都会有血压高什么的,如果医生问病史的时候,是不是要回答有血压高的问题,还是吃了降压药,正常了,就视为没有血压高?
            • 按真实情况说的,没有任何不良后果。
              • 如果中过风,做过脑部手术,但没后遗症,会影响吗
                • 关于你的具体情况我不太清楚,但他们非常注意身体的手术痕迹,如果外表看不见我认为可以不说,如果外表很容易看见,最好说真话。向我母亲是得过癌症,动过手术的,外表有明显的痕迹,但过了他们所规定的时间(即超过多少年),他们没有要做任何额外的检查及报告。
                • 我有朋友爸爸6年前中风,还做了脑部搭桥,顺利通过体检,都登陆了。good luck
          • 75岁以上的老人血压要是高过155, 不知有没有问题啊. 我父亲昨天体检了, 高压160, 医生就问什么时候开始的, 在服用什么药. 有点担心.
      • 我老爸老妈都过75了,老爸记性也不好,但是他说如果让他记单词是红烧肉,烤鸭,蹄膀之类的,他保证倒背如流。
        • 哈哈,谢谢大家。老爸在国内,主申请。老妈在加拿大,想让妈妈在这里申请,需要通知大使馆吗?还是说自己找医生就可以了?
          • 恭喜恭喜,希望我的ME也快点来。
      • 我母亲没到75岁,可一只眼睛受过伤视力没有0.6,很担心!!!
        • 记得探亲体检时,测的是矫正视力,不是裸眼视力。
      • 我公公去年底在上海做的,我婆婆在这边做的,都没有问这些啊,我还特地问了他们,就是单纯的验血透视什么的
    • recorded
    • 最好带上病历, 需要的话可以出示.
    • 请问, 在北京收到体检通知的朋友。 你们有收到体检表了么? 怎么去体检。 我只收到体检通知, 没有体检表格呀。 谢谢
      • 体检中心有表格,另外去之前最好打个电话预约,问清楚带什么东西。
      • 看来是北京的最近改成这样了,我昨天收到email只有三个附件:体检通知,体检说明和体检医院清单,我也在想为什么没有体检表。