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If you were given a visitor record, student or work permit, the expiry date is marked on the document.

If you leave Canada during your authorized stay, you must get a new visitor visa to re-enter Canada.

There are two exceptions: you can visit the United States or Saint-Pierre et Miquelon and return to Canada without getting a new visa, as long as you:

•return within the initial period authorized by the immigration officer or
•have a valid visitor record, work permit, study permit, or a temporary resident permit (authorizing re-entry) and return within the initial period authorized by the officer.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 爸爸妈妈,是持一次性旅游签证来加的,还有2个月就要续签了,因为想让他们去古巴玩,但去古巴的前提是必须是持来加的多次往返签证。我可不可以在续签的时候改签多次往返的签证,如果可以那理由说什么呢?。谢谢
    • 续签续的是有效居住期。你要另外在住美使馆申请签证,一次入境就行。
      • 看来不行了,只怪我自己不懂,当时应该给父母办多次往返的探亲签证,这样可以在加探亲期间还可以出境去美国,古巴玩。现在是一次性的探亲签证,就不行了。当时真的不懂啊!
        • 拍拍。就是时间上耽误一些。价钱上两次单签和一次多签一样。
        • 去美国玩儿不用多次签证,CIC网站上有说明,仔细看看。
          • 学习了,谢谢,刚才在CIC网站上看到的,内容见内。
            If you were given a visitor record, student or work permit, the expiry date is marked on the document.

            If you leave Canada during your authorized stay, you must get a new visitor visa to re-enter Canada.

            There are two exceptions: you can visit the United States or Saint-Pierre et Miquelon and return to Canada without getting a new visa, as long as you:

            •return within the initial period authorized by the immigration officer or
            •have a valid visitor record, work permit, study permit, or a temporary resident permit (authorizing re-entry) and return within the initial period authorized by the officer.
          • 他们要去古巴,不是美国!