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here. sorry, study hard.:p

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛GOOD NEWS! CARFAX search results confirm this 1991 TOYOTA CAMRY LE (JT2VV22F8M3023110) qualifies for the FREE $5,000 CARFAX Clean Title History Guarantee. By ordering this CARFAX Report, you have significantly reduced your risk of purchasing a vehicle with a costly hidden problem.

Vehicle Specifications JT2VV22F8M3023110
Title Check Clean Title History Guaranteed
Odometer Rollback Check No Odometer Rollback Detected
Problem Check No Problems Found
Registration Check Checked 7 types of vehicle registration
Vehicle History Details One Vehicle History Record Found

NOTE: This vehicle has not been inspected by CARFAX and it may have problems that have not been reported to CARFAX. CARFAX recommends a vehicle inspection by a professional mechanic.

How did CARFAX analyze this vehicle's history?

VIN: JT2VV22F8M3023110
Year/Make/Model: 1991 TOYOTA CAMRY LE

Body Style: SEDAN 4 DR
Engine: 2.5L V6 EFI
Carburetion: FUEL INJECTED
Cylinders: 6
Manufactured in: JAPAN

GOOD NEWS! CARFAX search results confirm this 1991 TOYOTA CAMRY LE (JT2VV22F8M3023110) qualifies for the CARFAX FREE $5,000 Clean Title History Guarantee.

CARFAX analyzed this vehicle's title history to determine if any title documents were designated or marked with the following problems:

Problem Titles Checked: Results:
Salvage/Junk Checked - No Salvage/Junk Title Found
Rebuilt/Reconstructed Checked - No Rebuilt/Reconstructed Title Found
Flood Damage Checked - No Flood Damage Title Found
Damage Disclosure Checked - No Damage Disclosure Found
Manufacturer Buyback (LEMON) Checked - No Manufacturer Buyback Found
Exceeds Mechanical Limits (EML) Checked - No EML Found
Not Actual Mileage (NAM) Checked - No NAM Found

NOTE: Click here for a complete CARFAX Glossary.

GOOD NEWS! CARFAX search results on this 1991 TOYOTA CAMRY LE (JT2VV22F8M3023110) did not uncover a potential odometer rollback. CARFAX analyzed this vehicle's reported odometer readings to determine if any reading is less than a previously reported reading.

No Reported Odometer Readings

GOOD NEWS! CARFAX search results on this 1991 TOYOTA CAMRY LE (JT2VV22F8M3023110) did not uncover any of the following problems:

Problems Checked: Results:
Accident Checked - No Accident Record Found
Salvage Auction Checked - No Salvage Auction Record Found
Failed Emissions Inspection Checked - No Failed Emissions Record Found
Fire Damage Checked - No Fire Damage Record Found
Crash Test Vehicle Checked - No Crash Test Vehicle Record Found
Grey Market Vehicle Checked - No Grey Market Vehicle Record Found
NOTE: Click here for a complete CARFAX Glossary.

CARFAX search results on this 1991 TOYOTA CAMRY LE (JT2VV22F8M3023110) identify the types of state motor vehicle department registrations, other than private, that appear in this vehicle's history.

Registrations Checked: Results:
Lease Checked - No Lease Registration Found
Rental Checked - No Rental Registration Found
Government Checked - No Government Registration Found
Taxi Checked - No Taxi Registration Found
Fleet Checked - No Fleet Registration Found
Commercial Checked - No Commercial Registration Found
Non-Profit Checked - No Non-Profit Registration Found
NOTE: Click here for a complete CARFAX Glossary.

The CARFAX database contains the following vehicle history record on this 1991 TOYOTA CAMRY LE (JT2VV22F8M3023110):

09/23/2001 Ontario
Ministry of Transportation
Greater Toronto Area
Registration issued


09/30/2002 Consumer resource provided by:
Edmunds.com Manufacturer-Recommended Maintenance Schedules

Check this vehicle's service schedules, estimated costs and recall notices at Edmunds.com.

--------------------------------------------------------------------------------更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 各位DX请帮查这辆车VIN:JT2VV22F8M3023110,急!!!今天要交割,下定金。先谢过了! 各位好心人都去哪里了? 请评一下,91年的CAMARY 230Km 3100刀,有如下问题:
    • 帮帮我呀!!!好心的人都上哪去了呀?
      • echolee27大侠帮我查一下好吗,多谢了!
    • 车抖最可能有2个问题:1轮胎没有正位,做动平衡和四轮定位既可,大概几十块。2是你的前轮的ball joint坏掉了,那东西坏了就只能换个新的。几百块的样子。空调修很贵,以前坛子里有DX自己动手都要几百,车行修要上千。
      方向盘死,可以查查是不是转向油漏了。你说"当给油时,有时给不上,给上时车就一下冲出去了"给不上是什么意思?如果是换档不顺畅,你可以换换transmission oil看看,这个不贵。另外,这么高公里的车,建议你做做发动机去碳,大概几百块的样子。
      • 我的意思是油门有时踩不动,当使劲踩动时,加油就太多了,车一下就冲出去了,这很危险的是吗?
        • 油门踩不动很可能只是因为底下那个传动杆使用太久了,摩出了个沟,所以不好踩。可以那个什么东西补补就好了。
          • 这辆车VIN:JT2VV22F8M3023110请帮我查查好吗,都一天了呀
            • up
          • 大侠呀,你说了这么多,我这车3100刀,该不该买呀,给我拿个主意好吗
            • 我觉得有这种安全问题,还是不要买了,另,公里数太多。车多的是,再看看吧。 我也在找车, 超过200k不想要了。
              • 晚上我又去试了一下,踩油门时从40km/h加到60km/h时明显感到发动机嗡。。。嗡的响.有时油门踏板踩不动,等踩动时,嗡的一声,车就冲出去了(在红绿灯时),这样车主答应将车价降到2700刀,大侠你觉得怎么样?
                • 不行,
                  • 磨损太大
                    • thanks very much!
                • 2000-3000刀不如买美国车,95年以后,<15万KM
                  • 能问一下买美国车的话,那一个牌子和型号的呢
                    • ford--taurus,focus;雪佛来--CAVALIER,MALIBU
                • I agree that don't take this car. Still too dangerous even though after you spend money on fixing it. Turn away and find another car.
            • I checked one car and found it was shipped from Queb. So,i was cheated by the seller. Be aware of some cars coming from Queb..
              • what's the problem for a car coming from Queb.
                • Because the weather in winter is colder,longer and worse than that in Ontario,they put more salt on the road, that would make car getting more hurt.
                  i heard that from the dealer. He told me some car are very cheap because they are shipped from queb..
      • 请问一个菜问题什么叫:发动机去碳
    • 照我说, Transmission快不行了.
      • 多谢各位大侠指点,这车我不买了(已电话了车主)
    • here. sorry, study hard.:p
      本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛GOOD NEWS! CARFAX search results confirm this 1991 TOYOTA CAMRY LE (JT2VV22F8M3023110) qualifies for the FREE $5,000 CARFAX Clean Title History Guarantee. By ordering this CARFAX Report, you have significantly reduced your risk of purchasing a vehicle with a costly hidden problem.

      Vehicle Specifications JT2VV22F8M3023110
      1991 TOYOTA CAMRY LE
      Title Check Clean Title History Guaranteed
      Odometer Rollback Check No Odometer Rollback Detected
      Problem Check No Problems Found
      Registration Check Checked 7 types of vehicle registration
      Vehicle History Details One Vehicle History Record Found

      NOTE: This vehicle has not been inspected by CARFAX and it may have problems that have not been reported to CARFAX. CARFAX recommends a vehicle inspection by a professional mechanic.

      How did CARFAX analyze this vehicle's history?

      VIN: JT2VV22F8M3023110
      Year/Make/Model: 1991 TOYOTA CAMRY LE

      Body Style: SEDAN 4 DR
      Engine: 2.5L V6 EFI
      Fuel: GASOLINE
      Driveline: FRONT WHEEL DRIVE
      Carburetion: FUEL INJECTED
      Cylinders: 6
      Manufactured in: JAPAN

      GOOD NEWS! CARFAX search results confirm this 1991 TOYOTA CAMRY LE (JT2VV22F8M3023110) qualifies for the CARFAX FREE $5,000 Clean Title History Guarantee.

      CARFAX analyzed this vehicle's title history to determine if any title documents were designated or marked with the following problems:

      Problem Titles Checked: Results:
      Salvage/Junk Checked - No Salvage/Junk Title Found
      Rebuilt/Reconstructed Checked - No Rebuilt/Reconstructed Title Found
      Flood Damage Checked - No Flood Damage Title Found
      Damage Disclosure Checked - No Damage Disclosure Found
      Manufacturer Buyback (LEMON) Checked - No Manufacturer Buyback Found
      Exceeds Mechanical Limits (EML) Checked - No EML Found
      Not Actual Mileage (NAM) Checked - No NAM Found

      NOTE: Click here for a complete CARFAX Glossary.

      GOOD NEWS! CARFAX search results on this 1991 TOYOTA CAMRY LE (JT2VV22F8M3023110) did not uncover a potential odometer rollback. CARFAX analyzed this vehicle's reported odometer readings to determine if any reading is less than a previously reported reading.

      No Reported Odometer Readings

      GOOD NEWS! CARFAX search results on this 1991 TOYOTA CAMRY LE (JT2VV22F8M3023110) did not uncover any of the following problems:

      Problems Checked: Results:
      Accident Checked - No Accident Record Found
      Salvage Auction Checked - No Salvage Auction Record Found
      Failed Emissions Inspection Checked - No Failed Emissions Record Found
      Fire Damage Checked - No Fire Damage Record Found
      Crash Test Vehicle Checked - No Crash Test Vehicle Record Found
      Grey Market Vehicle Checked - No Grey Market Vehicle Record Found
      NOTE: Click here for a complete CARFAX Glossary.

      CARFAX search results on this 1991 TOYOTA CAMRY LE (JT2VV22F8M3023110) identify the types of state motor vehicle department registrations, other than private, that appear in this vehicle's history.

      Registrations Checked: Results:
      Lease Checked - No Lease Registration Found
      Rental Checked - No Rental Registration Found
      Government Checked - No Government Registration Found
      Taxi Checked - No Taxi Registration Found
      Fleet Checked - No Fleet Registration Found
      Commercial Checked - No Commercial Registration Found
      Non-Profit Checked - No Non-Profit Registration Found
      NOTE: Click here for a complete CARFAX Glossary.

      The CARFAX database contains the following vehicle history record on this 1991 TOYOTA CAMRY LE (JT2VV22F8M3023110):

      09/23/2001 Ontario
      Ministry of Transportation
      Greater Toronto Area
      Registration issued


      09/30/2002 Consumer resource provided by:
      Edmunds.com Manufacturer-Recommended Maintenance Schedules

      Check this vehicle's service schedules, estimated costs and recall notices at Edmunds.com.

      --------------------------------------------------------------------------------更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net