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9月12日开始连发三天EMAIL和传真要求把护照寄回来,(和他们说的是最好能加快处理,贴上签证),并附上机票复印件。北京一直没有回复,着急找了MP,9月17日MP回复说,北京14号寄出的。我就找DHL,告诉他们收件地址和姓名,他们查出了TRACKING #,今天收到了,而且带了签证。明天就去登陆咯。我是在渥太华的。


我是2008/06 申请,2011/12 补材料,2012/1通过担保转渥太华,2012/02体检, 2012/4网上MER,2012/5网上IP的。

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 渥太华case,护照寄北京,现在收到大信封了。从八月初开始和许多同样情况的同学们一样着急,终于明天要去登陆了。

    9月12日开始连发三天EMAIL和传真要求把护照寄回来,(和他们说的是最好能加快处理,贴上签证),并附上机票复印件。北京一直没有回复,着急找了MP,9月17日MP回复说,北京14号寄出的。我就找DHL,告诉他们收件地址和姓名,他们查出了TRACKING #,今天收到了,而且带了签证。明天就去登陆咯。我是在渥太华的。


    我是2008/06 申请,2011/12 补材料,2012/1通过担保转渥太华,2012/02体检, 2012/4网上MER,2012/5网上IP的。
    • 恭喜!我们同天DM,同天寄护照,同天签收。看来我要抓紧找MP了。请问你如何找DHL查TRACKING#?
      • The MP office told me Beijing sent out by express on Sep 14 and I learned from this forum that Beijing use DHL for international courier.
        So I called DHL to tell them the sending address, receiving name, receiving address. They searched their system and provided me the tracking #.
    • 我父母的探亲签证10月6日到期,着急呀!
      • I think if you email/fax to Beijing and mention that
        "I would like to have passports (preferrably with visa attached) back as soon as possible, due to my parents' temporary (visiting) visa will expire on Oct 06" and include the copy of the visa, it may work.
        • 我家也是这样的情况,护照会在9.24寄到北京,我妈签证10.22过期,写这个有用吗?他们可能说,你们去续签好了。。。纠结阿。。。
        • 因为我觉得你家的理由很正当阿,没有护照不能回去,没有别的option,像我家的他们可以说你们有option的,可以续签阿
          • Maybe you are right. You still have time. Just wait and see. I have a feeling they've paused issuing visas for a few weeks and may restart any time soon.
            • 不过doesn't hurt to try,至多北京那边不理你呗。谢谢你的答复!
        • Thank you so much Aishaw! I did email Beijing with copy of visitor visa after I saw your good news. Just want to confirm the fax#, is that 011-86-10-5139-4449?
          • Fax # is correct. I emailed to them on Sep 12 and they did process it on Sep 13, but didn't notify me at all. So I faxed to them on Sep 13 and 14.
            Although till they didn't respond to me, they did look at the email/fax and action based on it. Hope it helps.
            • Many thanks Aishaw! Your details really helpful.
          • 请问北京email是哪个?我怎么找不到阿?谢谢阿!!
        • 续签费用贵吗?不贵的话就一边续签,一边等着呗,定定心心等,否则老人也跟着一块着急不是?
          • The extending fee is not a big deal, and I've already prepared all the documents for extending my parents' stay, while just wish we can get back the passports with CPR before the expire date.
          • 到不是要省75块续签费用,就怕万一不给续签,就得在10几天内离境,到时护照又在北京。。真到这一步,就不知道怎么办了。。
            • 我觉得加拿大政府不会这么不讲道理的,申请是我们可以做的,应该做的,批不批是他们的事,out of our control.
              • 是啊,我就想到快过期的时候申请,也能拖延点时间,在他们make decision之前收到护照/移民签证,这样如果万一拒签的话也没关系了。
    • 整整一个月,还算可以的。恭喜阿!
    • 恭喜!祝登陆顺利!
    • I went to MP office on 9/12/12. Still no feedback.
      • Sorry for stupidity. What is MP?
        • members of parliament
    • 『同一天签收』父母在中国,已经定了10月底的机票,现在还没那么急,你们急得先去吧,省得大家一起上了,催也就没用了。
      • Thank you eveyone. My parents did the landing yesterday and they are happy to be able to stick to their trip plan.
        • GXGX