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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 刚收到 GCMS Notes, 37 pages,3月份体检,一个国内,一个Toronto,Toronto的收到了,国内的还没收到,怎么办?济南体检,4月份快递显示已经递到Ottawa了。没想到还是出错了。
    • 出错了? 是不是济南体检的不应该送渥太华啊?
      • 还不知道谁出错了。同学门,有没有济南体检的送渥太华的?
    • 我也是送的渥太华, 没有出错。37 PAGES?我想可能是你的父母的体检结果有问题, 再仔细读读。。 别着急。
    • It also indicates: Police Certificates: 0, but they were submitted with originally application form in Jan. 正常吗?有没有得到notes的同学,数字是1?
      • Up.
      • I got the Note today, but I didn't see anything like "police certificate". Mine shows 'paper file sent to FCU on July 25, 2012', no other information after this date, anyone knows what does it mean? thanks!
        • 请问你们什么时候申请note?我9月6号申请看note. 到现在还没收到回复。
          • same day like you.
            • By mail or email?
          • Sept. 5 by Email
            • 请问你济南诊所的服务怎么样?
              • So so.
        • FCU stands for ?
    • MP Office 服务太差了,8月份去,推脱不给查。今天去,还是推脱,说体检后两年没进展都正常。后来我发火了,他们才答应下周二 call CIC。 Don Valley East, 谁还和他们打过交道?怎么complain? 保守党的,找Harper?
      • 我还准备去找他们呢,2175 sheppard Ave unit 301, 对不?
        • Yes. Hope they will treat you better.
          • 嗨!!!不做指望了!!
      • 估计是找他们查的人太多了,他们也烦了。
        • If it is their job, they should do it; if not, they can refuse politely.
          • 没错,但就像CBSA一样,提供申请人出入境记录是他们的职责。之前没什么人申请,2周就搞定,态度也好。自从CIC搞嘢,巨多人申请,现在2个月都不一定能搞定,态度也差了好多,据说可能还要收查询费。
            • 什么是正常处理时间范围?去找 的人可能没有人认为自己的属于正常处理时间范围,否则也不会浪费自己的时间。当事人应该比别人有更多的信息来作出决定。加拿大是一个尊重个人权利和利益的地方。
            • 你说的有些道理,但举的例子不太恰当。我们正是遵守规则才去找mp帮忙的,并没有违犯规则。你可以说规则被滥用,需要调整规则。可能更为恰当。
      • 我发现保守党的MP通常不作为;自由党和新民主党的大都很热情,愿意帮忙。
      • very interesting, I got help from this MP office in late June. the guy was very polite and the service was fast and efficient.cannot believe the attitude is so bad now.obviously too many people flooded their office with immigration service request...
        • It might depend on the person we met. Now the receptionist is a very young girl and don't have knowledge about the process. She just wanted to find a excuse to decline my request.
        • The young girl probably cannot decline requests by herself.There must be some instructions for her to follow,coming down from her boss/supervisor.
          • Right. But they should give some reasonable reasons to decline if they think it is not necessary to be involved.
            First time, the girl said it is normal to take 38 months to process the case. Even I told we had done the medical check already. This time She said it is OK to take 2 years after medical check. But as we all know that Ottawa says the standard service time for Family Class application is twelve months from the date you received notice from Case Processing Centre Mississauga.
    • 体检栏显示的是什么?
      • Father: first Sent, then In process, then blank Mother: first Sent, then In Process, then Passed
        • online 已经有母亲信息了?
          • It shows Medical results have been received.
            • 那就是说即使online MER, 并不代表收齐了体检结果, 更不代表体检通过了啊?
            • 别忘了notes是30t天前的, 是最近mer的吗?
              • In May