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本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Sir/Madam,

Please be advised that your application has been finalised and that you will receive the visa(s), passport(s) and other documents by EMS in the coming weeks to the mailing address on your file. Please be patient and wait for the mail to arrive. Please note that if you are represented by an agent it is our department's policy to use the agent's mailing address for all official documents such as Medical Instructions and Visa(s).

For information on arrival in Canada please consult the CIC publication A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/guide/index.asp and the publication Welcome to Canada : What you should know at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/welcome/index.asp
On behalf of the Department of Citizenship and Immigration, we extend our best wishes to you and your family for a happy and prosperous life in Canada.

Yours sincerely,
Visa and Immigration Section

Canadian Embassy, Beijing
19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District
Beijing, 100600, People's Republic of China

Web site: www.beijing.gc.ca
Email: beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 有多少北京的新案已经DM收到大信封了?好象现在DM的都是ottawa的.
    • 俺们是北京的老案,还在望眼欲穿呢。
      • 很奇怪,ottawa的case,护照寄北京后,都收到大信封了,而北京的case却连老案还没收到大信封。
        • ottawa case护照寄北京,很多2个月还没收到大信封。北京很会折磨人。
    • 北京老案,护照都收到半年了!
      • 咱俩难兄难弟啊。呵呵。
    • 咱们一起哭吧,明天就满月了,我们还在等。北京今天回话如此:
      Please be advised that your application has been finalised and that you will receive the visa(s), passport(s) and other documents by EMS in the coming weeks to the mailing address on your file. Please be patient and wait for the mail to arrive. Please note that if you are represented by an agent it is our department's policy to use the agent's mailing address for all official documents such as Medical Instructions and Visa(s).
      • k,刚给大使馆去了封信,早知道是这个就不发了。
        • 算我一个难兄难妹啊~两个月了,还没收到!!
          • 豆豆虫儿飞,我今早也终于收到北京使馆的回信了。和你的内容不同, 转抄如下。不过,DHL答复是大信封预计下周一送达,可是,回国机票是下周一下午的。如此日程,没时间落地啊,悲催啊。。。
            Dear Sir/Madam

            Please be advised that final results have been sent to
            your mailing address in Canada today, by DHL xxxxxxxxxx

            Thank you,

            Visa and Immigration SectionCanadian Embassy,
            Beijing19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District,Beijing 100600
            People’s Republic of China
            Website: www.beijing.gc.ca
            Email: Beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca
            Immigration Fax: (8610) 5139-4449
            • 先恭喜一下。你的有着落了,我的估计也不太远了。至于机票嘛,先延期试试。
              • 对了,我的到了,你的就快了。不过至今为止DHL系统都未显示运输信息,好着急啊。
                • 恭喜恭喜,希望我们这些老同志能早日结束万里长征。
            • 『取決與你周一出發機場』可能可以出境後立刻掉頭到移民局,然後再出境。多倫多F口去美國的的Prescreen,一旦過去,就算離開加拿大了,可以後頭但是要過海關移民局。
              • 好主意, 不过有点冒险,如果出入境不在一起的话就麻烦了,也不知有没有坛子里过来的同学遇到过我这情况。实在不行又得改票延期了,不过就要错过重要盛典了。
        • 使馆回这信倒是挺快的哈,当天就回了。全文转抄如下:
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Dear Sir/Madam,

          Please be advised that your application has been finalised and that you will receive the visa(s), passport(s) and other documents by EMS in the coming weeks to the mailing address on your file. Please be patient and wait for the mail to arrive. Please note that if you are represented by an agent it is our department's policy to use the agent's mailing address for all official documents such as Medical Instructions and Visa(s).

          For information on arrival in Canada please consult the CIC publication A Newcomer’s Introduction to Canada at: http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/guide/index.asp and the publication Welcome to Canada : What you should know at http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/resources/publications/welcome/index.asp
          On behalf of the Department of Citizenship and Immigration, we extend our best wishes to you and your family for a happy and prosperous life in Canada.

          Yours sincerely,
          Visa and Immigration Section

          Canadian Embassy, Beijing
          19 Dongzhimenwai Dajie, Chaoyang District
          Beijing, 100600, People's Republic of China

          Web site: www.beijing.gc.ca
          Email: beijing-immigration@international.gc.ca更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 你这还有个盼头, 我发的两封什么动静都没有呀!
          • 能问你下, 你的email的subject 是什么吗?为什么我的就直接给过滤掉了呢?谢谢
            • Immigrant Status Check Request
      • 『你太急了』8.4DM20號護照寄走的還沒有收到呢。
        • 我的是老Case,护照都已经交了半年了。