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你的Case和我的很类似,可是没有要有 self-addressed

下面是我的Email关于寄回passport, 没有你要的,很奇怪,我的是11月30号收到的email, 也做过痰培养,和2次xRay
Return of your Passport(s)

Passport(s) and permanent residence documentation cannot be picked up in person. The passport(s) will be mailed to you.

When submitting your passport, please also include the mailing address where you wish to have your passport(s) mailed to and a contact telephone number. If the address is in the People’s Republic of China, please include the address in Chinese characters.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 今天收到要求寄护照去北京的电子邮件,信上要求A self-addressed courier waybill. 我去问了DHL, 他们可以提供不用预先付费的Waybill, 所以想问一下, 使馆要求提供的是需要预先付费的还是只要写上回邮地址的waybill就可以了?
    记得以前看到网友登出来的要求寄SEATLLE的邮件, 上面明确说了是要Prepaid. 而我收到的邮件没有提Prepaid.


    7月痰培养, 9月14日第二次XRAY
    • here:
      • 谢谢rong170提供的联接, 我看了许多遍,上面好象只是告诉你怎样填写Way bill 但是没有看出来这个Way bill 需不需要我预先付费. 有谁能看出来什么吗?谢了!
    • My understanding is NOT a prepaid one
      • 我有同样的疑问,不知国内的人交材料的时候是否是预付费的EMS waybill?如果国内的不是预付费的,那我们也没有必要DHL预付费的waybill吧?关键是加拿大DHL不卖预付费的国际waybill。
        • 不用预付的, 就去邮局拿就行了
    • 你的Case和我的很类似,可是没有要有 self-addressed
      下面是我的Email关于寄回passport, 没有你要的,很奇怪,我的是11月30号收到的email, 也做过痰培养,和2次xRay
      Return of your Passport(s)

      Passport(s) and permanent residence documentation cannot be picked up in person. The passport(s) will be mailed to you.

      When submitting your passport, please also include the mailing address where you wish to have your passport(s) mailed to and a contact telephone number. If the address is in the People’s Republic of China, please include the address in Chinese characters.
      • 是, 从以前的几个贴子来看, 好象12月前收到的要求寄护照的信里, 都没有提到Waybill. 我也觉得即使让你提供Waybill, 也不用预付(Prepaid), 所以我已经把护照寄出去了, 没有预付回程的Waybill, 就把地址什么的填上了.