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Yes, you're right.

Most of the ISPs normally shutdown the inbound SMTP traffic from out-side of their internal network sicne SMTP is not a secure protocol and is liable to too many security issues.

If you face this problem, you can set up your POP3/IMAP server to your old ISP's, for SMTP you have to use the one your current ISP provides you.

It means the POP3 and SMTP services are provided by different ISPs.

Some free ISPs may not publish their SMTP servers' address so it's hard to access your old email accounts if these mailboxes are located in other ISPs.

Another walkaround is to use Yahoo! Mail or Hotmail's external mail feature to access your old mailboxes.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 电脑用户 / 谁能告诉我在CANADA怎样用OUTLOOK EXPRESS 接受21CN。COM及EYOU。COM的免费电邮,多谢指教。
    • 跟在中国一样呀!21CN:POP.21cn.com,smtp.21cn.com
      • You might not be able use the smtp srevers in china if you are using some free ISP here...I once met this problem...
        • Yes, you're right.
          Most of the ISPs normally shutdown the inbound SMTP traffic from out-side of their internal network sicne SMTP is not a secure protocol and is liable to too many security issues.

          If you face this problem, you can set up your POP3/IMAP server to your old ISP's, for SMTP you have to use the one your current ISP provides you.

          It means the POP3 and SMTP services are provided by different ISPs.

          Some free ISPs may not publish their SMTP servers' address so it's hard to access your old email accounts if these mailboxes are located in other ISPs.

          Another walkaround is to use Yahoo! Mail or Hotmail's external mail feature to access your old mailboxes.
        • 不会吧,我用得好好的呀,没问题,刚刚还收过呢,我用3WEB上网的
          • We are talking about send mail...hoho...this post's number is 80088, not bad though.
    • For juno, netzero and 3web, they freezed the smtp port service, namely 25.
      But your can use their smtp server. For instance: netzero: smtp.netzero.com; 3web: smtp.3web.net. I do not know the juno's smtp server address. At the same time, you still can use the pop3 service from outside network, because they did not freezed that. For example:with 3web, for xxx@21cn.com. you can use pop3 server: pop.21cn.com, but smtp: smtp.3web.net.
    • Thank all of you.