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Collect the following information on the other car involved in the accident

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Collect the following information on the other vehicle and from the other driver involved in the collision:

Vehicle information:
Licence plate number: ___________________________
Vehicle make: _________________________________
Vehicle model: ________________________________
Vehicle year: __________________________________
Description of the other vehicle's(yours) damage: ______ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

Injured and/or other parties involved:
Name: _______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________

Driver information:
Name: _______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
Driver's licence number: ________________________
Date of birth: __________________________________
Gender: ______________________________________
Phone number: ________________________________

Witnesses:Collect the following information from people who witnessed the accident but were not involved in the accident. Passengers are not considered to be witnesses.
Name: _______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
Phone number: ________________________________

Owner information: The driver of the vehicle may not be the owner of the vehicle.
Name: _______________________________________
Address: _____________________________________
Vehicle registration number: _____________________
Insurance company: ____________________________
Insurance policy number: ________________________

When and where:
Date of collision: ______________________________
Time of collision: ______________________________
Location of collision (street name and/or intersection): _____________________________________________
Weather and/or hazards: _________________________
Road conditions: _______________________________
Driving speed:_______________________________

Police case number: _____________ Write down your case number. If you want to add something to your case or would like an update on your file, you may need the case number.

Give particulars of damage and estimated cost of repairs (if known)

Was there any unrepaired damage or rust in the vehicle immediately prior to the accident? Yes/No If Yes, please advise where and what..

Explanatory sketch: (please indicate the layout of road(s) and approximate measurements; names of street(s)/road(s); position of vehicles and persons involved; the direction in which vehicles were travelling; the registration marks of all vehicles, where known; any road markings, road signs, traffic lights, street lights, pedestrian crossings)

Road accidents can be very upsetting and you need to know what to do. Try to stay calm so that you can take the right action.
1. Anyone involved in an accident must stop. Driving away is a crime.
2. If someone has been seriously injured or killed, the police or a traffic officer must be called at once.
3. Don't move the cars until you have been told to do so by a police or traffic officer. If the cars are completely blocking a busy road and likely to cause another accident, you can mark their position and then move them.
4. don't talk about the accident because anything you say can be used against you later and you may say the wrong thing while your upset. Even if you were to blame, don't say so. Don't sign any papers on the scene of the accident.
5. Write down everything about the accident as soon as you can.
6. You must report it to a police station within 24 hours. Your insurance company won't pay out without a police reference number.
7. Contact your insurance company as soon as possible about fixing the car. You mustn't deal with any queries about the accident - this is the insurance company's job.
8.Draw a sketch of the scene of the accident. If possible, take photographs of skid-marks on the road, the scene of the accident and the damage to the cars involved.
9. Report the accident to the police if
- someone has been hurt or killed;
- it looks as if damage to the cars will cost more than $1000 to repair;
- the other driver broke the law (if the other driver appeared drunk or he or she drove through a red light, etc.); or
- another driver hit your car and drove away (hit and run).更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 要是不幸出了车祸怎么办?
    当你没理时你应当先稳住对方, 不要做对你不利的事, 不要叫警察, 口头上承诺什么都行,最重要的一件事就是尽快离开现场, 等离开现场后什么都好办了,到那时对方可能是变成没理了.,因为到最后闹到法庭上各执一词,在没证据的情况下就只好各大50大板.
    反之,你就知道该怎样去做了, 尽快叫警察, 收集旁证(记下目击者的车牌,到了到时有必要时法庭会传那些人上庭作证的) 现场拍照(每个人最好在车上放一个带闪光的一次性照相机已便应急.
    遇事要冷静,是别人的错就应该死死地咬住他不放, 如果是自己的错,就要死马当活马医, 尽量减少损失. 最后祝你安全行车, 远离事故.
    • 逃避责任, 人品有问题
      • 我以前和你一样,生在新新中国,长长在红旗下,还差点如党呢,(出国耽误了)我比你思想进步多了,但这严酷的现实就是这样,这是经验, 我就是吃了这亏......
        我以前和你一样,生在新新中国,长长在红旗下,还差点如党呢,(出国耽误了)我比你思想进步多了,但这严酷的现实就是这样,这是经验, 我就是吃了这亏, 本来完全是对方的错可到后来变成我有错了, 搞得我车毁保险猛涨,到那时候你还能说什么吗?还能这么想吗?这世界就是这样, 你要是思想崇高就什么都扛下来就行了,祝你走运.!
        • 这一段和你前一段的意思不太一样.不是你的责任那是如何也不应该承担下来.但是是你的责任,想办法推脱也是不对.只是有时很难分清,所以应该找警察.
          • 那你分析我上次的事故是谁的责任,对方左转弯,我绿灯直行,撞车了.
            最后他说我闯红灯才发生的, 最后裁定的结果各打50 大板,离开现场谁说的清?
            • 这种情况是你所说的第二种,完全是对方的责任,所以找警察是你自己的责任,找证人也是你的责任.而倒过来,如果你是非法左转的司机,你是否准备想办法逃走呢?
              • 对了,这就是关键, 就是当时被那小子花言巧语骗离现场,没找警察,到最后他也不知道从那找来证人为他做证,你说死不死?
                • 算是倒霉,遇到这种人,又没有处理的经验.
          • 反正我也知道我也再入不了党了,经过那此教训后思想就变成这样了,改不了了.你要批斗就开会吧,我都认罪.
            • 不要说得那么严重,实际上我觉得开车的意识是安全的第一保障.你说的都不错,但是更重要的是,集中注意力,预先估计可能发生的情况.适当忍让.危险时冷静处理(不容易),出事后理清思路,心情平静一些,应该会有好处.
        • 能入党就是好人?入党的人渣多了。你因为自己被冤枉一次,就做坏人。和人渣也差不多。
          • 看你人不还行,上面的请版主删除。谢谢。
    • 听君一席言,胜读十年“保险”书!谢了!
    • Good idea ... 立马买camera去! Thanks!
      • 买个好的数码相机和极品相片打印机,然后娴熟使用PHOTOSHOP,把你追尾处理成对方追尾......:-))
        • 对啊!要有空还可以用3DMAX模拟一下子。
          • 不过我认识一个小子吃了PRAKING罚单就是用这种方法给打掉的, 不过等他出来是被吓出一身冷汗.
        • 笨! 可能吗?保险公司一验车就知道,还要告你个伪造文书罪.
    • 我觉得该找警察的就要找.自己不要下结论是对的.即使自己有问题,保险就是干这个用的.不用太怕.
      • 你知道找了警察会有什么结果吗,不管什么结果保险公司都会有事故记录了
        • 我不在安省(猜你在安省).可能各地规矩不一样.我们这边事故后保险费涨的比例并不离奇.不知道你事故后的保险涨幅是多少,如果是在可以承受的范围以内.应该还是简单一些好.
    • 发现很多老外都是这样做的。rolia上吃哑巴亏的同胞太多了。
      • 我觉得关键是不要急.我想大家都很少有机会自己遇到车祸.往往是遇到之后就手忙脚乱,冷静,有理不让人在这儿用得着.如果有理还谦虚,大概别人就会想这家伙是个笨蛋,再遇到个心术不正的就麻烦了.
        • 对啊,那次事故后我朋友对我怎么说:"是猪就该杀,他不杀别人也要杀."当时都快把我气晕了,好长时间没理他,想在想起来还有点道理.
      • 不是人人都这样.上次说过,一个朋友开车左转,好象根本没有看见对方开过来的新VAN,人家(洋人)绿灯.朋友车上坐了5个人.要是直接撞上去,肯定危险.那人自己打方向,翻车,两部车全部毁掉.幸好所有的人都没有问题.好人还是有的.
        • 思想是崇高的,不过从心理学角度上说他是条件反射.
          • 也许吧.
        • 没出事什么都好,万一出了事,就能看出来了。我感觉我们中国人,除了个别横的,大多数出了事都表现了我们是一个防御型的民族,不会揪住别人不放。



    • Once you got a car accident, no matter if is your fault, call a police or drive to a police station to get an accident report. Don't believe in what the other driver who may change his mind laterly.
    • 有句老话: 害人之心不可有, 防人之心不可无。你因没有经验而吃过亏,现在又矫枉过正了。硬把自己的错推到别人身上,良心会受到谴责的 - 得不偿失。你敢说你做过后不会后悔?
    • 话也说回来你们批了半天, 我可从来没害过人啊! 我也是受害者,只是一点教训而已,你们都是成人了,有辨别是非的能力,以后遇到事故你们会自己知道怎样处理, 和我没有关系.
    • Do you drive Taurus?
      • 是的我开过两辆Taurusl
        • Why do you say Taurusl. What does the "l" for?
    • 所以说出了事故,无论对方是黄种人还是白种人,都是不可信的,先把证据和证人找齐,然后再报保险公司。
      • 这就说明证据的重要, 照像机的重要, 有一条不要不要相信任何人.
    • 是不是应该准备好一页事先排版打印好的备忘录之类的文件,一旦出事后可以取出逐项填写,对方签字,加上相机伺候,不致临事慌乱了。内容嘛:
      • 请英文好的DX把以上内容翻译成英文, 谢谢
        • 好办法
        • Collect the following information on the other car involved in the accident
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛Collect the following information on the other vehicle and from the other driver involved in the collision:

          Vehicle information:
          Licence plate number: ___________________________
          Vehicle make: _________________________________
          Vehicle model: ________________________________
          Vehicle year: __________________________________
          Description of the other vehicle's(yours) damage: ______ _____________________________________________ _____________________________________________

          Injured and/or other parties involved:
          Name: _______________________________________
          Address: _____________________________________

          Driver information:
          Name: _______________________________________
          Address: _____________________________________
          Driver's licence number: ________________________
          Date of birth: __________________________________
          Gender: ______________________________________
          Phone number: ________________________________

          Witnesses:Collect the following information from people who witnessed the accident but were not involved in the accident. Passengers are not considered to be witnesses.
          Name: _______________________________________
          Address: _____________________________________
          Phone number: ________________________________

          Owner information: The driver of the vehicle may not be the owner of the vehicle.
          Name: _______________________________________
          Address: _____________________________________
          Vehicle registration number: _____________________
          Insurance company: ____________________________
          Insurance policy number: ________________________

          When and where:
          Date of collision: ______________________________
          Time of collision: ______________________________
          Location of collision (street name and/or intersection): _____________________________________________
          Weather and/or hazards: _________________________
          Road conditions: _______________________________
          Driving speed:_______________________________

          Police case number: _____________ Write down your case number. If you want to add something to your case or would like an update on your file, you may need the case number.

          Give particulars of damage and estimated cost of repairs (if known)

          Was there any unrepaired damage or rust in the vehicle immediately prior to the accident? Yes/No If Yes, please advise where and what..

          Explanatory sketch: (please indicate the layout of road(s) and approximate measurements; names of street(s)/road(s); position of vehicles and persons involved; the direction in which vehicles were travelling; the registration marks of all vehicles, where known; any road markings, road signs, traffic lights, street lights, pedestrian crossings)

          Road accidents can be very upsetting and you need to know what to do. Try to stay calm so that you can take the right action.
          1. Anyone involved in an accident must stop. Driving away is a crime.
          2. If someone has been seriously injured or killed, the police or a traffic officer must be called at once.
          3. Don't move the cars until you have been told to do so by a police or traffic officer. If the cars are completely blocking a busy road and likely to cause another accident, you can mark their position and then move them.
          4. don't talk about the accident because anything you say can be used against you later and you may say the wrong thing while your upset. Even if you were to blame, don't say so. Don't sign any papers on the scene of the accident.
          5. Write down everything about the accident as soon as you can.
          6. You must report it to a police station within 24 hours. Your insurance company won't pay out without a police reference number.
          7. Contact your insurance company as soon as possible about fixing the car. You mustn't deal with any queries about the accident - this is the insurance company's job.
          8.Draw a sketch of the scene of the accident. If possible, take photographs of skid-marks on the road, the scene of the accident and the damage to the cars involved.
          9. Report the accident to the police if
          - someone has been hurt or killed;
          - it looks as if damage to the cars will cost more than $1000 to repair;
          - the other driver broke the law (if the other driver appeared drunk or he or she drove through a red light, etc.); or
          - another driver hit your car and drove away (hit and run).更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net