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The expenses of playing in a basketball tournament in another city is partly constant and partly
varies directly with the number of players that go.If 10 players were to go,they would each have
to pay $14.However,if 20 players were to go,then each player would need to pay $10.25.What would
it cost each player if 40 players were to go?
Answer :$8.38

hint: T=S+kn where k is the constant of variation
n is the number of copies
S is the fixed cost
T is the total cost

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 感谢诸位,再次请教。我的数学太差,先谢了!
    The expenses of playing in a basketball tournament in another city is partly constant and partly
    varies directly with the number of players that go.If 10 players were to go,they would each have
    to pay $14.However,if 20 players were to go,then each player would need to pay $10.25.What would
    it cost each player if 40 players were to go?
    Answer :$8.38

    hint: T=S+kn where k is the constant of variation
    n is the number of copies
    S is the fixed cost
    T is the total cost
    • 10 players $140, <p> 20 players $205, add 10 players costs $65,<p> 40 players $(140+3*65) = $335
      • 非常感谢!我认为你是对的。因为$335/40=8.375=8.38 但你是用比例来做的,能不能用解方程的形式来做(课本上的要求)。 再一次谢谢你!
        • 二元一次方程组
          S = 75
          k = 6.5


          S+k*40 = 75+6.5*40 = 335
          • 谢谢你!高手,你的答案是完美的!