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sorry, forgive me to use english to tell this story.
One of my female friend who was with a guy for several months, and that guy lies( or it is true) that his marrigae is fake,for whatever reason that guy did it. But with that guy for short time, she found that guy is not honest person to be with...and at the end, that guy beat my friend coz they got some arguments...(skip it, don't want to tell who did right, who was wrong in this case)
At very beginning, that guy said he don't want his stepdaughter knew this stuff coz that little girl has a not nice father...and that guy don't want to bring bad effects on her life again, my friend trust him and thought he did well.
But now, Guess what?
He has relationship( lover) with that little girl( she might 16 years old)(can't imagine it is true...hope it is not true)
So how do you think about love? is it love ?

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 太多的甜蜜的爱情故事了。有没有报复点的,曲折一点的故事。当然不要有暴力情结的。
    • 你写吧.比如<<用厮守终身来证明是否适合厮守终身>>什么的.够曲折了吧?
      • 你够有魄力的, 竟然鼓动lily去完成一个报复点的,曲折点的故事... :-P
      • 太长。我就在想如果那个男的给小舟的母亲的信,不从南京发出,会怎样?
        • 只要看笔迹就知道了,除非他找人带写信封。不过,这样对他的一点好感就再也没有了。
    • 想听一个所谓的’爱情故事‘吗?我打上引号是因为。。。(你们自己去判断这个引号的意思吧)
      sorry, forgive me to use english to tell this story.
      One of my female friend who was with a guy for several months, and that guy lies( or it is true) that his marrigae is fake,for whatever reason that guy did it. But with that guy for short time, she found that guy is not honest person to be with...and at the end, that guy beat my friend coz they got some arguments...(skip it, don't want to tell who did right, who was wrong in this case)
      At very beginning, that guy said he don't want his stepdaughter knew this stuff coz that little girl has a not nice father...and that guy don't want to bring bad effects on her life again, my friend trust him and thought he did well.
      But now, Guess what?
      He has relationship( lover) with that little girl( she might 16 years old)(can't imagine it is true...hope it is not true)
      So how do you think about love? is it love ?
      • 够曲折的,但没有报复性,基本没看懂,后来冒出来的一个小女孩是谁的女儿?你朋友的?那你朋友不是个睁眼瞎吗?这叫作“引狼入室”,懂吗?
        • that girl is his wife's daughter( his wife and his ex-hansband's, his wife divoce with another guy and marry with him, not my friend's daughter)
          • 可以写部小说洛丽塔
            • 最无聊,变态的所谓禁书
            • Sometimes, i felt sorry about humanbeing, the stuff i thought that only happened in novels, but it really happened around us.
              • The guy is an animal, not humanbeing.
                • 不要侮辱动物! 动物有具正常的发情期! 他连动物都不如.
          • 听上去你的男主角象是native Canadian,也许有个数字你没听说过,哪里来的我也忘了,据说在加拿大有25%的父亲与女儿或继女发生性关系,所以不是有人叫嚷要溶入主流吗?这也是主流之一部分呕。:)
            • no, 100% Chinese guy...
            • 俺呕,呕,呕
            • 一块主流板砖就拍了过去.
      • en , 不知道了。可怕的故事。
      • 恭祝屁屁妹妹重出江湖, 无往不利, 无坚不摧, 七星高照, 聪明贤德, 一统江湖, 千秋万代...
        • shut up! you have already 放肆ed here for long time
          • 怎么? 我家笨笨叫我早点回家?
      • Sounds like Woody Ellen's true life experience.
    • 没戏,俺曾经以为俺爸妈的故事是很曲折的,现在一看太甜蜜了,因为有个完美的结局。都是能力有限凡人,俺感觉爱到鱼死网破,爱到我去死你也活不了,爱到刀戈相向,真的挺难的。
    • a(f),b 是一对快结婚的恋人,c(f)d是一对有5岁男孩的夫妻。a出差3个月。bc在同一办公室工作,恋爱。c要离婚,d不同意。ab分手。d找人捅了b3刀,其中两刀捅断输精管。好象有点暴力。
      • no violence please.
      • 费精力