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  • 技多不压身,工到自然成:安省技工证书特训班,点击咨询报名!

I totally agree with what these people said, however I will remind you that you might as well bring the good one I mean anything should be good with me when you come here.

Please don’t pay much attention to the price of good in China. BTW, there are a standard, which you buy a better thing or the goods which just meet your need. In the future you can dispose the bad one or keep the good one, however you will so boring to put away the ji lei.
As to the electronic dictionary, which you really need, although you don’t need the function of pronunciation, you should need a better one because the more the function of dic, the more word in the dic.
For example, my dic is wen qu xin PC505, in fact there are no bid gap between the price.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 生活杂事 / 不知道那种电子词典在国外用比较好,有经验的推荐一下吧,非常感谢!
    • 能查出英文单词的意思的, 就好. 考虑到电池的费用(这里很贵), 选不带发声的.我用的是文曲星CC800, 挺不错的.
      • 对.不要会说话的,费电,没用.不过我基本很少用.不是查不到就是来不及查.其实应该尽量保留英文印象.不要一切都对应成中文.既不现实,也不利于提高英语.
        • 没错, 我的文曲星现在基本上是我女儿在用了(她总是问我我不认识的词, 我只好让她自己去查了).
      • 可是CC800用的是钮扣电池哦!!! 我买的PC1000虽然有发音功能,但用7号电池!
        • 钮扣电池(C2232)也非常便宜,RMB3yuan而已
          • 不是这个价格吧??? 另外,在国外拿到价格呢?考虑过吗?
            • 没错,广州太平洋电脑城有卖,深圳赛格也有稍贵点,5元一粒
            • the model is CR2032, sorry for mistake.
          • CA$10 in Canada.
            • Woooo........再一次庆幸自己的决策正确!
            • if you don't care the quality you may buy 12 for $1 at the dollar store. I bought them to replace the cell in my alarm clock (recommended by EGG).
              My clock has been working for nearly one and half month by now and seems working contineously towards the future that I don't know.
              • 谢谢。我不知道还有这条路。
            • 不会吧?我可以批发价的电池,也就2.5块,想要告诉我一声儿。
      • 根据文曲星网页上的论坛,用户普遍反应CC800耗电特大,且易死机。还是CC300稳定。
        • 不对吧!CC800,如果不玩游戏的话,每天用几个小时,也能用2个月以上!!什么死机一说,从来没见过。而“名人”耗电才大呢。我用过很多种,最后觉得小小的CC800最好。
        • 我用的也是CC300,好多年了,也舍不得换。倒不是因为耗电量的问题,只是觉得够用就好。
        • 半年前我也看中CC800,看了论坛上反应这么多问题(特别是耗电、死机较普遍),给吓得不敢买了。不知现在改进点没有?
          • 的确这样,我有亲身体会。我曾买过CC800,但用了没几天就没电了,屏幕都不显示,只好按RESET,最后换了节电池,两天后又没电了,我还以为就我的这样,谁知我朋友买的也和我一样,赶紧去换了PC1000,感觉不错。CC800只是比较好看,可并不实用,还不如PC505呢。
    • 我用(名人)比较好,7号电池便宜,好买。
    • I totally agree with what these people said, however I will remind you that you might as well bring the good one I mean anything should be good with me when you come here.
      Please don’t pay much attention to the price of good in China. BTW, there are a standard, which you buy a better thing or the goods which just meet your need. In the future you can dispose the bad one or keep the good one, however you will so boring to put away the ji lei.
      As to the electronic dictionary, which you really need, although you don’t need the function of pronunciation, you should need a better one because the more the function of dic, the more word in the dic.
      For example, my dic is wen qu xin PC505, in fact there are no bid gap between the price.
    • 仅仅作词典用的话,快译通最好。PDA5000, 32万词汇,解释详尽。(但PDA功能一般)
      • 锂电池,可充电,最节约。
        • 快译通做电子词典的历史最久了,确实有它独到之处。
    • 千万不要用纽扣电池的!
      • 我的是文曲星PC260Plus,一节CR2032型+3伏锂电池,那边有卖么?
        • 我今天刚买了CR2032,4.99$
          • 这不是杀猪啊
      • Sometims the PDA will be mal-fuction before the cells.
      • That button battery is cheap. I bought one for less than $3. Panasonic. You can buy it everywhere coz it is popular used in calculator ,price may vary.
    • 我有一个cc800,很好用
    • 强烈推荐CC800!CC800就是好!!就是好呀就是好!!!
    • EC3000,not expensive
    • 我用坏一个快译通,换了一个cc800,汉英词典里反查英文有错误,用来用去,用来用去,还是金山词霸最好,强烈建议俅伯君出电子词典,虽然我有俩laptop,可也不能捧着满街转啊!
      • 深圳有一个"一指禅"的PDA,里面装了金山词霸。
        • how much?
          • 去年底刚刚推出,好像是¥2400多一点,现在就不知道了。功能挺多,可以作万能遥控器、电话拨号器之类,我只见过广告,没见过实物,因为那时还只有深圳有卖。
            • 我见过,功能倒是挺全的,就是贼贵,刚出来的时候3400RMB,简直是抢钱,我有朋友做PDA,成本也就300来块。。。。
            • 谢谢。
      • 金山词霸的错误也不少。打个比方,你用2001版查“爆炸”这个词的英文名词形式,你能查到吗?
    • 今天上午才买了深圳产的“大学士--卡霸”感觉不错,各大词典都包含。价钱也比较好。
      • 呵呵,你被宰了,我1月份在珠江路卖的卡霸,348元。
    • 快译通Longman7000
      不过只有英汉双解(即Longman当代高级词典),无汉英字典。 RMB1000。7号电池。