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The numbers in the survey look more realistic. Earlier I said in oil and gas engineering field, Australia and Canada are leading US in engineers salaries. Here is one 2013 salary survey link.

Australia: $131,483, Canada: $118,483, US: $106,772. In oil and gas industry, average salary in Canada, esp. in Alberta, is higher than that number $118,483 and also higher than the US average in the same industry. The salary survey may not be very accurate, but it is indicative. Other than the surveys, we really don't know who is making how much. As you can see, there is no myth that the average salaries are higher in the US than in Canada. Individually we can make much more than the average income, it's all about our individual positions and the particular industries that we are in. We hope we could make 10% more on average in the US than what we do in Canada (apparently we are not based on the surveys) because we are deducting the employee portion of medical insurance from our pay checks.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下茶话 / 美国话题 / 2013年毕业的哈佛毕业生中有21%的人没有工作。找到工作的毕业生第一年平均收入为6万。

    • Harvard is still doing much better than other universities. My colleague told me 2/3 of his classmates are still staying at home 2 years after graduation. They are engineering grads from Cal State Fullerton, a good university although not as UC Berkeley.
      • That's really scary. In California...
    • 第一年平均收入为6万还少啊?
      • 已经非常好啦,不过比20W还差很多哈。
        • 多么正常。市场不需要培养名校生。单位里五十五岁经理们都是野鸡学校毕业,还是12 年退休让位
        • 农夫兄,你仔细查查看,我本人说过20万这个数字吗?虽然我没有说过,也不代表不是没可能,对吗?

          • 信也不信,过好过坏哪都有哈。你有就好,要是太多赈济灾民可以啊。
            • 谢谢你!其实,这个平均(注意是“平均”)6万,其中就可能包含着个别(可能还多些)的高薪,对吗?还得看专业和职业证书。不光是学历和学校。因素很多。
              • 等你拿到好的欧佛一定与肉友分享啊!
                • 其实,有时候,最不能看的就是这个“平均”,只能做个参考。对吗?举个例子,有人去商店买衣服,服务员问你要多大的?你说给我个“平均”的尺码吧,滑稽吗?应该“量体裁衣”才对,您说是吗?
                  • 红枫兄,那是哈佛网上的数据吧?
                    • 农夫兄,你这象是故意肇事
                      • 小红哥,你这象是锦上添花。
                        • 都是红家村的人,自家人何必跟自家人过不去
                          红枫, 红脖, 红卫兵
                          • 三人行必有我师吗。我们是相互学习,取长补短啊。
                            • 三个红人
                              • 肉联晚会见哈
                                • 如果你上肉联晚会舞台,我一定去捧场 :-)
    • 按照payscale的统计,哈佛毕业生的平均工资为5万5。另外有21%的哈佛毕业生(2013年)没有工作。。
      • The numbers in the survey look more realistic. Earlier I said in oil and gas engineering field, Australia and Canada are leading US in engineers salaries. Here is one 2013 salary survey link.
        Australia: $131,483, Canada: $118,483, US: $106,772. In oil and gas industry, average salary in Canada, esp. in Alberta, is higher than that number $118,483 and also higher than the US average in the same industry. The salary survey may not be very accurate, but it is indicative. Other than the surveys, we really don't know who is making how much. As you can see, there is no myth that the average salaries are higher in the US than in Canada. Individually we can make much more than the average income, it's all about our individual positions and the particular industries that we are in. We hope we could make 10% more on average in the US than what we do in Canada (apparently we are not based on the surveys) because we are deducting the employee portion of medical insurance from our pay checks.