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Oh, Jeez, How can I forgot? .....He is a feature in <Fight Club>.

Robert Paulson, called Bob, is a victim of testicular cancer who has grown breasts due to his hormone therapy. His wife and children have abandoned him, and he finds solace by attending a support group and by building a friendship with the Narrator, whom he knows as Cornelius. Bob later joins Fight Club and Project Mayhem and dies as a result of participating in a terrorist activity.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下佳缘 / 情爱悠悠 / 有一个问题希望女士们能够发表一下意见, 男士请自觉旁观. 如何看待离异男士的问题?
    可能你回有一大堆问题,如为什么离异等,我想所有不幸的婚姻的原因都只有一个,那就是感情不合了,这样也许太笼统. 中国人的传统,是不轻易谈离婚的,共同生活好多年,双方的父母,共同的朋友,有很多扯不断的联系,离婚是别无选择的最后选择.


    • 回答1: 离异男士没有问题,也不是问题。。。。回答2: 离异男士没有问题,也不是问题。。。(看FIGHT CLUB 给看的,哈哈)
      • In death, a member of Project Mayhem has a name. His name is Robert Paulson. His name is Robert Paulson. His name is Robert Paulson........
        • LOL....U R SO FUNNY! but who is Robert Paulson. I found too many on google.
          • share一下。他说的什么意思?我一头雾水。估计问他也不会回答,就问你吧
            • Robert F Paulson, Assistant Professor of Veterinary Science
              Department affiliation: Veterinary Science, College of Agricultural Science
              office address: 104 Henning Building
              office phone: 814-863-6306
              fax: 814-863-6140
              • so frustrated, Still no clue. Is this Mr. P from the movie <<fight club>>?
            • Oh, Jeez, How can I forgot? .....He is a feature in <Fight Club>.
              Robert Paulson, called Bob, is a victim of testicular cancer who has grown breasts due to his hormone therapy. His wife and children have abandoned him, and he finds solace by attending a support group and by building a friendship with the Narrator, whom he knows as Cornelius. Bob later joins Fight Club and Project Mayhem and dies as a result of participating in a terrorist activity.
          • "看FIGHT CLUB 给看的,哈哈"?? sure??
            Bob was shot by the cop and those guys wanna bury him to get rid of the evidence ,telling Jack that in Project Mayhem, they had no names. But Jack said his name was Robert Paulson,and all blah blah blah came up,just like what you blah blah above.
            • ya, i remember now.
            • finally, a clear answer, thx
              • babyface is a great movie fan, today is her movie day
                • hey! no money, no movie today!
                  any recommendation?
                  • hope they are free
                  • die another day??
                    • :-)
                      • Pierce is getting older and a little bit fatter. :(((
                        • Will be his last 007 movie, as per his word............but I like him.
                          • I started to like him when I was in middle school.
                          • 他的007拍片合同是五部,好像现在只拍了四部,gold eye, tomorrow never die, die another day, 还一部什么来着?他好像还要拍一部的,不过那时恐怕没票房收入了。:)
                            • Isn't five too much? :-)
    • one thing
      sexually functional if you care.
      • ??
        • #878230
          • 好吧,知情权。
      • One more thing: loyalty to the marriage.
        • I totally agree with you, no loyalty no marriage
    • 不全一竹竿大死,但我一定要知道离婚的具体原因。不能只告诉我感情不合。这不合也有几百种呢。
      • 婚姻破裂的原因很难讲清楚,因为婚姻是二个人的事.可能最后的直接原因,是一方又有所爱,或者两地分居不能再等下去,或者干脆就是谈不来了.但我想最后,最根本的原因是不能在接受对方了,不能在给予对方那种夫妻间的爱了.
        几年的婚姻生活以后,无论有多少争吵,多少的无奈,最后无论是由于什么原因分手, 能够下决心去割舍这段亲情,都是无奈的最后的选择.
        • 对啊,你说的就比较具体些了嘛,可是如果我是当事人,我就还要了解得更具体一些,当然不是逼着问,也通过自己去观察,接触和了解。这位如果是JM,我觉得你不必先介意对方的婚史,先
    • 看到大家嘻嘻哈哈的回答,感觉这种事如果没有切身的体验,好象也很难回答, 没有经历感情的挫折也不会感受到那是多么的无奈. 这里有没有嫁给离异男式的女士呢
      • 离婚的男人----如果是你坚决离婚---你是一个不负责任的人.
    • 不会吧,都什么年代了,那么多离了的. 这是个理解万岁的年代. 可要是有孩子,未婚的女生就畏难了.
    • 和普通的男士一样。
      • 婚姻破裂,和普通朋友间的闹意见,最大的区别是,离异夫妻不可能成为朋友,过去的都将成为过去,将成为记忆,将成为路人. 普通朋友间还能聊聊天.
        • 200%赞同
    • .
      • 你是个好女孩, 很善解人意的
        • 我咋9没看出来呢? 一定是太笨笨了。
          • re看。
          • bcs你不是个好女孩? :) I don't agree any ways:-)
            • 你是个好男孩, 也很善解人意的
              • 叮当,我的牙齿掉了。
          • 你是个好女孩, 也很善解人意的,就是怕挨砖,这点跟俺差不多
            • 我不想善解人意,但是我想要一个善解人意的,行不行? :-DD
              • “但是我想要一个善解人意的”什么呢?
                • 原来有人比我还笨笨。哈哈。
                  • 你是不是想要什么啊?想要你就说嘛你虽然很有诚意的看着我你还是要说的啊!你不说我怎么知道呢?你要是想要你就说啊,不可能你说想要而俺却不帮你,你说不要俺却硬要帮你。你是不是想要什么啊你不会是真的想要吧?
                    • 正想换成洋娃娃,你就说我那样@_@地看着你。。。。SIGH。
                      • 洋娃娃是你另一个ID?
                        • LOL.....NO, IS THERE ONE?
                          • "正想换成洋娃娃”what's this?
        • 马甲,赫赫
          • 什么意思
    • don't know, never think about it and stop thinking since 30 year-old :(
      • 和我一样, 刚才想了想,也没想出什么来
        • hands :)
      • 那30以前是怎么想的?
        • 可能还比较穷,哈哈。
          • 说了好多,你好象竟跑题了,能不能说说你的想法
            • SIGH,我不是一开始9 告诉你了吗?.......而且感觉,如果你自己的心理负担都还挺重的,又怎么让人家女孩子轻轻松松的呢?
              • 很是中肯,谢谢
              • 跟fatboy开的玩笑有点过分,你去删了你的,我删了我的行吧?
                • I don't think he would mind, Would u? 胖GG? :-))
                  • 你这一声"胖GG"下去,估计FATBOY得整个陷到椅子里了;认真的,我已经把开你玩笑的删了,你就去删了你的罢
                    • @_@....跟你讲了我们都不是小气鬼,不相信就算了。
                      • 9494,他怎么能理解咱们的阶级感情:-)
                        • LOL.........Thanks for bringing me so much laugh.
          • what's the relationship with poverty?
            • no money, no honey
              • faint
        • never think about it
    • 一丝遗憾的是好象这里没有人能够SHARE一些心情,没有类似的经历是很难讲的,这不论年龄大小,比如一个八旬老妇,有一生恩爱的夫妻感情,一直相收到终老,你问她这个问题,她夜回觉得很奇怪,也不知从头说起,这就是一中幸福, 不知不觉的幸福.
      • if you concern his past marrige history, do not marry with him. I think the marriage should see the current and future.
        • Thanks for your consideration, i am a man
          • 先说说,你本身有没有心理阴影?是否很在意过去,是否有勇气追逐眼前及将来的幸福? I agree with cocotea and Ingrid's points of view.
      • 夫妻间的默契的搭配、相互的理解、同甘共苦的决心、默默的支持和平静的生活气氛就是幸福。当你知道就是你有一天瘫痪或有其他的问题,世界上除了父母外还有一个人会陪你、爱你,那种心灵的满足和安宁就是幸福。
        • 说的真好
          • sure, good comment.
    • 是中国人还是别的?我有个朋友,不是国人,离婚的,有个孩子,我和他们玩得挺开心……没什么,而且他对孩子的爱倒是让我很感动