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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

No. Start as earlier as possible. For every $ you save into RESP, the government will contribute 20% toward your child's future education upto $2000 per year. Even

you currently do not have much savings for that, you should reserve that $2000/year quote ASAP.

Let's say you can only afford $500 this year. The government will contribute $100 ($500x20%) to match that. If later year you get rich, say you hit a lottery jackpot, you can contribute $2000 for that year plus all your accmulated amount from early years. For every year you delay to start, you lose $400 contribution from the government.

However, you do have choice on whom do you register with. Some promise more returns, some less. It can make huge difference 18 years down the road. Do make comparison of what kind of return you will get on what conditions. The deadline is Dec 31. Take some time to do your home work before signing anything. And let us know your findings.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 理财投资税务 / 小孩刚出生,有推销resp的,老公已被说动了,我也不知该怎么办,请各位帮忙分析分析,谢谢
    • 在买够RRSP、买房前,建议不要考虑RESP.
      • No. Start as earlier as possible. For every $ you save into RESP, the government will contribute 20% toward your child's future education upto $2000 per year. Even
        you currently do not have much savings for that, you should reserve that $2000/year quote ASAP.

        Let's say you can only afford $500 this year. The government will contribute $100 ($500x20%) to match that. If later year you get rich, say you hit a lottery jackpot, you can contribute $2000 for that year plus all your accmulated amount from early years. For every year you delay to start, you lose $400 contribution from the government.

        However, you do have choice on whom do you register with. Some promise more returns, some less. It can make huge difference 18 years down the road. Do make comparison of what kind of return you will get on what conditions. The deadline is Dec 31. Take some time to do your home work before signing anything. And let us know your findings.
        • No. I don't think so. You can only get 20% of your input at the first year. And then your money can not take out until your child go to colledge.
        • The government can match as much as $800 each year. So if your kid is young, you can wait till you can save $4000 per year, and you will not lose a penny from the government.
      • 我看到的一个理财书中也是这个意思,即先把你自己的事情办好,再考虑孩子
        我看到的一个理财书中也是这个意思,即先把你自己的事情办好,再考虑孩子。而且它还解释说这不能算自私。我基本接收这个观点,想多存点钱,争取买房首期多付些。但每年的20% Government grant也确实有吸引力,而且孩子基本肯定是要上大学的,钱无论如何是要花的,无非是我花,还是将来贷款后还款。你能否再多些解释,使这个认可程度由60%提高到95%。谢谢
        • 对RESP的限制比对RRSP的要严格而多,这是另外一个因素。同时,RESP的帐户管理费和在某些RESP的基金管理费相当之高。
          如果你已经买足了RRSP, 付了房子的downpayment,还了付房子downpayment的时候从RRSP里借的钱(如果借了的话),买了人寿保险,留了必须的流动资金后还有宽余的资金,完全可以考虑买RESP。否则,暂不考虑。
      • 我仅知道按投资管理方式分两类:一类叫Scholarship,另一类未知;能把以前未买的补买,推销员甚至承诺未登陆前的年份都能补买;陷阱很大。
        • 卖RESP的提成比卖life insurance的还要高的说。
    • I agree with 慎独 and James. That's called "Pay yourself first".
    • 一上来看到的都建议不要考虑RESP,不要考虑保险,那么Pay yourself first以后呢? 为什么没有一点建设性意见呢? 投资本来就是要有余力,大家能不能多提供一些介绍和比较的意见,别一上来就以为别人都没有能力投资。
      • 你可能误解了。不是不要买,而是要有一个先后次序。当然,你也可能认为RESP的优先级要高于RRSP

        Basic Life Insurance (TL)
        个人自己的注册退休计划: RRSP
        More Life Insurance ( for example, UL WL)
        own House
        自己的投资,fix income, equity, fund, derivatives
        LSVCC等更激进的tax shelter产品
        更有钱,更老的话,就要考虑信托基金,seg Fund等产品。