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I have no idea of the former one. Informatin technology ( if your are meaning Management information system) belong to management department.

Before entering major program, you must pass many core courses. It means that you still have one year to decide which major to go after you are regestered in university. At that time, you may have a general idea of which is better for you. some friends said that it is easy for a MIS woman to find a job because of relative small female MIS populaiton.

If you like early childhood education, you can go for it. Although it is difficult to find a position in local school, but as I know there are some chinese language oriented weekend class for children. As more and more chinese immigrant come here, maybe there are to be more these kind of school. or maybe you can apply a licence to have a class yourself.

good luck

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 工作学习 / 求学深造 / 请教各位大虾,early childhood education and information technology, which is better for the future life?
    • None of them are good for money, xixi...
      • that's not only for the money. if just pursue for the money, computer programming and accouting are the best choices, everyone told me about that including you,is that right?
        • How about Actuary? Do you know? PinkPig
          • sorry,i'm not sure about that. any details? on the way arround,i may not have this sense to learn that!
        • if you have somebody support you, you can learn whatever you want.
          • i can say yes. but i hope which my choose can meet the requirment of both this market and my interest. i do not want to choose one just for money.
            • I have no idea of the former one. Informatin technology ( if your are meaning Management information system) belong to management department.
              Before entering major program, you must pass many core courses. It means that you still have one year to decide which major to go after you are regestered in university. At that time, you may have a general idea of which is better for you. some friends said that it is easy for a MIS woman to find a job because of relative small female MIS populaiton.

              If you like early childhood education, you can go for it. Although it is difficult to find a position in local school, but as I know there are some chinese language oriented weekend class for children. As more and more chinese immigrant come here, maybe there are to be more these kind of school. or maybe you can apply a licence to have a class yourself.

              good luck
    • the latter
      • but the latter means: I do not know anything. shall i find a job after finishing this degree?
        • see my above post, By the way,小猪芬迪格 is one of my favorite cartoon character.
          • thank you.