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Maybe You Can Try this

Sorry, I do not know much about your community. Maybe you can try to phone York Region Health Service (Tel 1-800-361-5653) to get some numbers in North York. Also, if you have public nurse visit you after the birth, you may get some number from her,too.
There is another organization called Ontario Early Years Centre(Tel number in Markham: 905-479-0002). They have branches accross Markam and will open office in North York this coming spring.

Regarding the program itself, most of them are hosted by different age group.
At your baby's age now, he is too young to really pay much attention to the environment. But it may be good for you to go out meeting some other new moms. So maybe try the postnatal programs.
When your baby is about 5 months old, maybe you can try mothergoose program. They will teach some rthym, songs there. Many babies really enjoy it.
Once he is one year old, may be you can try programs for a bigger age-range.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 参加PARENTAL CLASS的家长们,请给个联系电话或地址吧。冬天不能带宝宝出去玩真是闷呢。谢谢了,
    • It's not a bad idea to keep away from public at this moment. Don't u know some Emergency Rooms have been closed?
      • 谢谢提醒,差点犯个大错误
        • you are welcome. How old is your baby? I have a 8.5 week girl
          • 嘿,我家的女儿6周2天,要是夏天咱们ROLIA上的朋友带上宝宝聚聚多好呀
            • let's see next summer.
              • 我儿子7周6天。明年我们也去好吗?
    • Maybe helpful
      Each community and city/or region health care department running this kind of programs. Also there are many non-profitable organization out there offering the same. And more, you can go to the public library nearby to check. They may have something too. Most of the time, it is free or very minimal admin fee. Really worth it.
      I don't know where you live. Myself, I went to the programs with my baby in Markham hosting by york region since he was 7-weeks-old. Very good experience.
      I think I have some numbers in Markham. If you are intereseted, I can sent to you.
      • 谢谢,我住在DVP§YORKMILLS(以南)
        • Maybe You Can Try this
          Sorry, I do not know much about your community. Maybe you can try to phone York Region Health Service (Tel 1-800-361-5653) to get some numbers in North York. Also, if you have public nurse visit you after the birth, you may get some number from her,too.
          There is another organization called Ontario Early Years Centre(Tel number in Markham: 905-479-0002). They have branches accross Markam and will open office in North York this coming spring.

          Regarding the program itself, most of them are hosted by different age group.
          At your baby's age now, he is too young to really pay much attention to the environment. But it may be good for you to go out meeting some other new moms. So maybe try the postnatal programs.
          When your baby is about 5 months old, maybe you can try mothergoose program. They will teach some rthym, songs there. Many babies really enjoy it.
          Once he is one year old, may be you can try programs for a bigger age-range.
      • which programs you went to? where? early year center? I also live in Markham, some friends recommend Mother Goose program, my son is 9 weeks old, don't know if it's too early for him.
        • No. You can start with postnatal program. And when he is about 5 month old, you can go to monther goose. I think right now he is too young for monther goose program. But, just be careful with the weather.
    • 在bridlewood mall一楼麦当劳对面,华咨处开了一个亲子中心,每天大家可以开着baby到哪里玩,有各种玩具,还有2个老师在旁边照顾,但必须家张在旁边,收年费40元。
      • 谢谢,请问一般什么时候开放呢。
        • 好像是9:30am---12:00am 1:00pm --5:00pm
          • thanks.
          • 下午开么?
            • 开!!
              • 在哪儿交钱? bridlewood mall 在哪个intersection?(十字路口)
                • Finch/Warden