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关于父母移民担保中增加co-signer的情况 -- 请教大家的看法

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛背景情况如下:
- 2011年7月申请担保父母,当时单身;
- 2011年11月结婚,2012年2月邮件通知CIC婚姻状况改变以及要求增加co-signer,邮件确认收到但没有更多指示;
- 这一批收到补材料的信,document checklist中没有提到提交新的sponsorship undertaking的表格,不过有这样一段话。。
‘If your family circumstances (e.g. marriage or common-law union, divorce, annulment, legal separation, birth, adoption, death, etc.), contact information or representative information has changed since the initial application for sponsorship was submitted, include this information with relevant supporting documentation in this application.

The officer will base his/her decision on the documents on file at the time your application is assessed. If anything changes with regard to this application once it has been submitted, please consult http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/relatives-apply-after.asp to determine how to notify CIC of the change.‘’

include this information with relevant supporting documentation in this application.‘’什么是relevant supporting documentation呢?仅仅是结婚证明然后等着CIC的下一步指示?还是干脆这次就直接附上两个担保人签名的新的undertaking表和我们两人的收入证明?后者会不会画蛇添足呢?

大家的看法呢??谢谢。。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 相约北美 / 探亲团聚 / 关于父母移民担保中增加co-signer的情况 -- 请教大家的看法
    本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛背景情况如下:
    - 2011年7月申请担保父母,当时单身;
    - 2011年11月结婚,2012年2月邮件通知CIC婚姻状况改变以及要求增加co-signer,邮件确认收到但没有更多指示;
    - 这一批收到补材料的信,document checklist中没有提到提交新的sponsorship undertaking的表格,不过有这样一段话。。
    ‘If your family circumstances (e.g. marriage or common-law union, divorce, annulment, legal separation, birth, adoption, death, etc.), contact information or representative information has changed since the initial application for sponsorship was submitted, include this information with relevant supporting documentation in this application.

    The officer will base his/her decision on the documents on file at the time your application is assessed. If anything changes with regard to this application once it has been submitted, please consult http://www.cic.gc.ca/english/immigrate/sponsor/relatives-apply-after.asp to determine how to notify CIC of the change.‘’

    include this information with relevant supporting documentation in this application.‘’什么是relevant supporting documentation呢?仅仅是结婚证明然后等着CIC的下一步指示?还是干脆这次就直接附上两个担保人签名的新的undertaking表和我们两人的收入证明?后者会不会画蛇添足呢?

    大家的看法呢??谢谢。。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
    • If your income is enough based on # of your family members on your sponsorship application plus your spouse/partner (and kids,
      if any), you don't have to ask your spouse/partner to co-sign with you, just tell CIC that your status has changed. Otherwise, ask your spouse/partner to co-sign and resubmit all materials that you submitted when you applied for sponsoship years ago. I was in the situation and now my parents has landed.
      • Thank you very much.. Unfortunately I would have to add him as the co-signer. I will go through the forms again then with his signature and income proof this time.... Thanks again.
      • Btw, did you submit marriage certificate back then?