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Chai Ling is lying in that movie. From the begining to the end, what proof or evidence can we find to support the 'thousands killed'? Nothing.

There is really something that we need to remember, but let's not to attact Chinese government all the time. What on earth you gain from your ridicule? How many of you know the truth? How many of you think the truth they said or you said is the real truth? People say so, YOU just blindly follow. Go back and watch the US-made movie Tian An Men one more time, can you find evidence from it to prove your so called truth? The answer is simply NO.
What I think is that movement is really something good in history, while the result is the same good. Don't you think so? Why do people just intentionally not mention the second part? They, extremely exaggerate the first part, and name themselves patriots. Patriots? think it over.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 为了忘却的纪念. 为了忘却的纪念. 为了忘却的纪念. 不欢迎评论性跟贴. 欢迎YES或者NO, "明白" "是了" "同感"得跟贴, 否则必被删, 什么世道啊, 不是说SAILOR
    • 饺子当年该在大学里巴?
    • 为了纪念,并不忘却。
    • Yes.
    • “从来不需要想起,永远也不会忘记。” --《酒干倘卖无》
    • 轻轻走过你的身过



    • 哀莫大于心死......... I don't care about it any more
      • 是啊,还是先把身边的事情做好
      • 是不是象Bob Dylan唱的, "I used to care, but things have changed..."
    • 哪年我刚满20岁,大三。
      • same as u
    • 明白
    • yes,那年我大二,血气方刚
    • 我那年才高中~~~~~
    • 下网了. 在加朋友日安, 国内朋友晚安. 挨过今天明天就可以盼奥运了.
    • 老人家都来报道拉!
    • 我就是那天晚上没去广场, 否则也已做了十几年的鬼了.
    • I was there around 8:00-9:00 pm
      • I really want to know what happened at that night. Where I can find out answer. Thanks.
        • It's not easy for me to write them out. I can tell what I saw at that time
          • I just sent a email with my telephone number to your email address appeared on the rolia. I will be at home after 6pm. thank you!
            • Refer to #71718, u will get some brief idea.
        • 请参阅《华夏文摘快递》,自5月29日起刊出的《89接力》,及6月1日起刊出的《接力图片》。这些文章和照片,描述了那几天中各个小时各个分钟所发生的事情。
    • 不会忘却,却不敢纪念。不能评论,但不能不跟贴。这次第,怎能是YES或NO了得?
    • 时间飞逝,我只记得马甸儿桥上悬挂的那具BODY.....
      • Judy, you also lived near Ma-Dian-Qiao Bridge?
        • not really, in fact I sudied in 北邮 at that time.
          • 我还记得那天晚上学生广播电台播出枪杀学生经过,看到几张死亡证明书,死亡原因“枪杀“两个字非常有力和醒目。
      • But I remember the girl who fell and never stood again.
    • 俺那年正高考,把俺给耽误了
    • Feel so pride for expierence of great history period, salute for the gone guys, some of the left will still remember them while enjoying a happy life , ...
      • Pride? Salute?
    • YES, this shouldn't be forgotten, justice should be served.
      • justice should be served , good words.
    • 偶从416就开始参加,znh门前wekx第一次站出来组织大家偶就在他跟前,一个在当时很了不起的人,现在不行了.524偶就下三峡游玩去了,躲开一劫.现在啥想法也没有了,老了。
      • 可惜我的录音带都留在国内了,不然可以让你找到点感觉
        • Yeah! I have some tapes and photos, wa.....
          • upload.
      • 我也是很幸运, 白天去的,累了,晚上回家了。没想到。。。
    • 那时上初一的有没有权利说?我那会儿也去游行过,还是班主任带我们去的,还有高年纪的同学到班里来“串联”,就是游说。虽然小,但我印象很深。
    • Never forget.
    • 心已死,情已逝。
    • 这是我心中永远的痛
    • 那年上大一,正是满腔热血的时候。不该忘却。
    • 十二年了,我们不会忘却!
    • 我的老天, 哦,对了,就是我自己, 我不明白你们到底在说些什么呀?我一点都不明白,你们的忘却的,到底是什么呀??哦,?饺子,是酱油吗?>
      • 呵呵,道歉了给你, 饺子, 我倒不是不尊重64的任何事情, 就是你说的好糊涂, 大家也说的乱, 放松一下,
    • 我经历了那年的“6。4”,我不会忘记,永远不会!
      • 当年我初2,老师不让出校门
    • 刚刚点了三柱香,为了那些无辜遇难的人 ......
    • 在这寂静的夜里, 想起12年前依然激动不已,难以忘怀。
    • 不能忘记无辜的死者。可是更加沉痛的思考是:“那些所谓的民主人士真的是人民的代表吗?“越来越觉得答案是否定的。
      • You are right
      • you are right .
      • 他们能代表谁,他们只能代表自己,学生永远被政客利用的愚蠢的笨蛋,学生运动下场总是悲惨的,以上的各位老兄还在这里因为以前曾经是民运分子沾沾自喜,狗屁,滚回家去。没有你们的静坐、示威、游行,胡要帮也不会死的那么早,招致阳还能多当几年总书记。
        • I also wonder why they still 沾沾自喜 and 给自己脸上贴金. Why?
        • vote every 4 years, even Hitlet has no chance to do bad things.
        • 哈哈哈哈.
      • 唉....................................
    • 我永远不能忘记!一人的夜,我无语,真想大哭一场
    • 未来会对他们有公正客观的评价
    • 1989,我的1989!!!它在我的人生历史上,留下了浓墨重彩的一笔!89年之后,中国再也没有希望了!
      • don't take anything for granted! millions of young men are cheated by the
        goverment , but it is temporary, they will be woke up once be told the truth and they will be as excellent as those who died in that period.
        I'm so sad because I've been cheated for 12 years!!!!!!!
        • How do you know that what the Chinese government said is not the truth?
          • 有个孩子,闲得无聊,就喊狼来了,然后看着大人们拿着棍子争先恐后要去打狼的样子哈哈大笑。如是几次之后,当他再喊狼来了的时候,有人说:“别理他,那个孩子又在耍我们。”你问:“你怎么知道他说的不是真的?”
      • 恰恰相反,如果中国在1989年发生政变,全国大乱,中国的现状不会比俄罗斯好!中国要么变成美国的一只哈巴狗,要么是连哈巴狗都不如的让美国人看都不看的乞讨的狗!
    • 那年大一...哎, 写不出心中的悲
    • 重读<<纪念刘和珍君>>感叹,鲁迅不愧是中国近一百年来最伟大的作家,单凭这一篇文章便可“笑傲江湖”。
    • 忘得了吗?写了那么多遍的检讨、思想认识、问题交待,大脑都被洗过一遍了,哪里能忘了呢?只是不能纪念,还不到纪念的时候。
      • 历史会作证。黑与白没人能颠倒。那年我大二。
    • I was there, It was the third year of mine in university. from what I knew, none of my classmates, or friends in university dead or hurt. I don't know what you guys talking about it here. what's for?
      • 对对对对。你没死,你的同学没死,你的所有亲戚朋友也没有死的,有什么好忘记和纪念的?活着吧,一时半会儿,你也不一定死得了。
    • 高二,中国又被希望给“飞”了。为什么中华民族这么苦呢?
    • 怎麼回事﹖
      • Chai Ling is lying in that movie. From the begining to the end, what proof or evidence can we find to support the 'thousands killed'? Nothing.
        There is really something that we need to remember, but let's not to attact Chinese government all the time. What on earth you gain from your ridicule? How many of you know the truth? How many of you think the truth they said or you said is the real truth? People say so, YOU just blindly follow. Go back and watch the US-made movie Tian An Men one more time, can you find evidence from it to prove your so called truth? The answer is simply NO.
        What I think is that movement is really something good in history, while the result is the same good. Don't you think so? Why do people just intentionally not mention the second part? They, extremely exaggerate the first part, and name themselves patriots. Patriots? think it over.
        • u r right. Though I like democracy, I do not like those democracy fighters. They are cheaters. What a pity for those who died in that night. 55555555..........
    • 楼上的朋友们,承认我们当年错了,不要再愚昧下去了,不要再误导现在的孩子们(大学生)了!我当年是大三,正是主力军。我当时坚信,10年后历史会给我们平反的。可这10年中国的变化,美国人对待中国变化的态度,不是已经明白告诉我们,谁才是真正............
      • why does CCP blame Qing Dynasty not to reform?
      • I back you.
    • yes,我们不会忘记,我们要游行,我们要静坐,我们要言论自由,但我们也不要忘记我们的初衷:国家的富强,民族的昌盛,不被别人欺负,也不被别人利用。