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【呼啦啦要注意了】The food we eat has a direct impact to our organs.

case in point : had a McDonald's breakfast sandwich in the morning around 9 am and 4.5 hours later doing a health checkup, it shows my gall bladder is working hard due to the fatty food. The technician can see on the monitor that my gall bladder is digesting fatty food.
So it doesn't take long for illness to develop if the food has that effect on the body in less than half a day.
I am going to try eating much healthier !

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下沙龙 / 梦想天空 / 【呼啦啦要注意了】The food we eat has a direct impact to our organs.
    case in point : had a McDonald's breakfast sandwich in the morning around 9 am and 4.5 hours later doing a health checkup, it shows my gall bladder is working hard due to the fatty food. The technician can see on the monitor that my gall bladder is digesting fatty food.
    So it doesn't take long for illness to develop if the food has that effect on the body in less than half a day.
    I am going to try eating much healthier !
    • 她是厦大的~~
      • 而且是统计系张高丽同窗。据说他照片上有个瘊子,都要秘书嘱咐报社美工一下。 一个农村的土娃子,如此重视自我外观,真可笑。 +2
        • 不懂
          • 厦门大学统计系恢复高考第一届毕业生。 +1
            • 跟瘸子有啥关系
        • 歧视到了极点啊,反对!
          • 在中国,当官的如女明星受重视追捧。今天看黄兴国在新闻里,已经是人老珠黄有气无力的样子了,训话指示也温和了许多。周围捧臭脚拍马屁的随从仿佛也泄气了许多。毕竟官运给炸得快光了。 +1
        • 看来对你们ex 市委书记有看法呀~~
          • LOL
          • 福建农民调来后,吓死了不少干部。公安的市长抢先自杀。福建人有名地刁,是个穷山恶水出刁民的地方北方人会吓死的。 +1
            • 佩服你的联想, 这都哪跟哪~~
            • 你是“死而复生”?
    • Organ 是organism 的简写吗? +2
      • 特指呼啦啦的内脏器官
      • WK!武兄实在是威武!敬仰敬仰。
        • 武先生也是ROLIA我很敬仰的一位男同学,因为说话非常没有遮掩。
          • 武先生就光捂胸了,其他一律放开。LOL
            • 那是假动作。透过他的手指缝儿,我们看得一清二楚。
        • 我英文差就这样,经常闹笑话。
          • 揭露一下,武先生的英文很好,特别是对与汽车有关的英文的领悟水准很高,而且翻译水平很高。
      • LOL!
    • 麦记早餐汉堡太油了,难怪呼啦啦改吃英雄汉堡。
      • 她才不怕油呐
        • 是的,大统华的糕点,我要看成分,如果里面有猪油,我买。
          • 服了
      • 不是改吃,以前没安格斯的时候,我也支持鸡肉或者鱼汉堡。我根本不喜欢巨无霸,恐怖。
        • 逃学你,赶快补课吧
          • 忙得要命,但是还是没有错过麦当劳。LOL。
    • 谢谢小北同学革命同志般的关心。我会注意的。今儿中午就吃了麦当劳。场子暂时还没悔青。LOL。
      • 溜肥肠
        • 你真不吃麦当劳了?你孩子呢?咋拦得住。我家孩子以后肯定也得吃,我才不拦呢。大江大海让他们自由行。
          • 我一年也吃不了5次 一般都是出去在高速边上吃