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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!
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  • 予人玫瑰,手有余香:加拿大新天地工作移民诚聘求职顾问&行业导师!

thanks for input, I did some search, inside is what I find out

1. No matter you pay tax or not, the eligibility depends on whether the child is living with you or not? ( you = the primary caregiver).

2. Since the child is not in any province of Canada, the calculation is totally different.

3. The eligibility should be decided by provicial authority case by case.

Program Description
Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) is a tax-free monthly payment provided to eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age.
The amount of CCTB is based on a number of factors taken mostly from the income tax return. These factors include:
the number of children and their ages (taken from the CCTB application)
the province or territory that the client resides in
family’s net income
deduction claimed for child care expenses
It is paid to the person who is primarily responsible for the care of a child.
CCTB is calculated using both eligibility and income.

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 家庭与子女 / 请问孩子办了寄养之后还能拿到牛奶金吗?
    • up, I want to know too
    • 离开加拿大原则上就没有了
      • 实际情况是你还可以领取. 税务局并不知道你的小孩在那里.
        • Are you sure?
          • 100%
            • 要吸取历史的教训阿
              If you know every case after 18 year older, maybe 100% .

              When the child comes back to Canada, custom will have his/her record, maybe in 1 year or 2,3 you might get a letter from 税务局, ask you pay back 50K including interests, fine etc.
              • 50K??
              • "If you know every case after 18 year older, maybe 100%" What's your means?
                • what I mean: Don't even 99% are doing it if you know it's wrong.
          • Lots people do that.
            • I have to say they are luck right now but that doesn't mean they are right or eligible...
              • OK, i got it, same as EI. The person should not leave Canada.
          • It's quite sure that children of low income oversea canadian family are eligible as long as their family are tax payer of canada.
        • Comparing what you can earn (several hundreds dollars/month?) with what you may lose in the future, it's really NOT a good investment...
    • 这是给和低收入加拿大纳税人父母,祖父母等生活在一起的小孩的补贴。寄养在加拿大境外的低收入加拿大纳税人祖父母或亲戚家里是符合资格的。但即使小孩寄养在加拿大境内, 如果父母在美国工作而又没有即时付小孩的生活费,也可能有点小问题。
      • thanks for input, I did some search, inside is what I find out
        1. No matter you pay tax or not, the eligibility depends on whether the child is living with you or not? ( you = the primary caregiver).

        2. Since the child is not in any province of Canada, the calculation is totally different.

        3. The eligibility should be decided by provicial authority case by case.

        Program Description
        Canada Child Tax Benefit (CCTB) is a tax-free monthly payment provided to eligible families to help them with the cost of raising children under 18 years of age.
        The amount of CCTB is based on a number of factors taken mostly from the income tax return. These factors include:
        the number of children and their ages (taken from the CCTB application)
        the province or territory that the client resides in
        family’s net income
        deduction claimed for child care expenses
        It is paid to the person who is primarily responsible for the care of a child.
        CCTB is calculated using both eligibility and income.
    • 认识一老移民,多年后,被追回牛奶金及利息。
      • 是本地白人老移民把孩子留在加拿大,他们自己去美国挣钱又不交加拿大的税造成的吗? 牛奶金的条件是1。付给小孩生活费和房租的人在加拿大纳税。2。 低收入。其他的无关。比如小孩是否美国国籍,是否在美国居住等。
      • 能介绍一下你认识的老移民的情况吗?
        • up