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which is true?

本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛汪激昂

注册日期: March 26, 2001
发表数量: 43
alignment problem
Ford charges some 60 dollars plus tax only. Try your car's dealer.
发表时间 May 18, 2001 21:13


注册日期: March 26, 2001
发表数量: 43
ye xiaoming
Ye Xiaoming is okay to go for changing oil, but NEVER do any real job at his place.
Last winter, I had one tire moderately leaking, two slitely leaking, so I had him repaired 3 of them. He charged me 60 dollars which would be 36 dollars plus tax at dealers' place. I didn't complain at all because he usually charges 20 dollars only for oil changing. He got to have some place to make more profit just like anyone else.

The result: two were fixed, but one formerly slitely leaking tire was fixed to be quick leaking. Well, it is just fine for me since nobody can garantee a perfect work. I went back to him. He told me he was too busy that week. I said fine and drove home. The tire was really leaking fast. I had to recharge it every week. Please notice it was deep winter. Imagine how terrible to expose yourself in the minus 20 degree for minutes.

I went back two week later. He said he was busy again. No problem, I drove back. This thing went back and forth for 5 times, each time he told me he had something more important to do. At last, he agreed to fix it for me. He hanged the car and spread some soup fluid onto the tire. Bubbles were emerging quickly. He commented: this leaking is just too little to fix. He recommanded to buy some magic thing from Canadian tire to fix it myself. He let me go.

During the whole winter, I recharged the tire once a week. My god, it was terrible. At someday this last March, I went back again, directly insisted him to fix it for me. He did. It took him about 10 minutes to do it. He charged me 30 dollars (he pretended forgot he has charged 20 dollars for it before and he seemed to have no price standard at all so that he charges you as per his immediate feeling). I paid him. And God bless me, it worked.

Today, I still go to his place to change oil. But I now realize that he is okay only for changing oil. He doesn't have any sense to give you any warrantee and for none routine projects, he charges far more than dealers.

I am very sorry to say some bad story about people. I usually don't do that. God forgive me. And readers, please take my story as reference only.

I wish Ye XiaoMing serve our mainland chinese community better than ever.

[This message was edited by 汪激昂 on May 16, 2001 at 19:12.]

发表时间 May 16, 2001 19:05


注册日期: March 26, 2001
发表数量: 43
I had a transmission problem recently. I felt the car hesitated a lot when I pressed gass pedale. So I asked him to estimate the cost to have it fixed. He said it would be at 1,000 to 1,900 Canadian range because a transmission problem could never be a trivial one. I somewhat trusted him. Yes, as you may guess, I am a car idiot just like many of us. You ask somebody in the street. You usually get a similiar answer that the estimation is reasonable.
I told the story to my teamleader who suggested me go to Ford to have a computer analysis anyway. At Ford, after 79 dollars, it turned out to be a sensor problem. A sensor that understands the current position of the gear in transmission was broken, so the transmission works randomly and frantically.

I spent some 79 dollars for computer check. 95 dollars for the sensor, and 3 hour labour. It summed up to be 400 dollars including the computer work.

My goodness, I saved myself thousands of dollars. I am lucky.

发表时间 May 16, 2001 19:31更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net

Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下家园 / 爱车一族 / 请教各位,福特野马(mustang)的油耗量大约是多少/?? 现实使用的!
    • my 3.8 v6 is 12ltr for 100 km high way and local mixed drive.
      • 你花多少钱买的?哪年的车,跑了多少啊?开起来怎么样?
        • 94年, 8万公里。去年花了约9000, 包括车,税, 废, 车厂大维护。开起来动感无限, 好极了。不但漂亮, 而且可靠,从没给我添麻烦。
          • 漂亮?
            • 开在路上,总有姑娘小伙冲他吹口哨。
              • 原来车上爬着一只可爱地小松鼠。
                • 错,是那只曾经单身的土拨鼠。
          • 新车贵,还不想买日本车,都说美国车费油,爱坏。但是实在是不能抗拒野马的魅力!
            • 不太蚝油。可靠性非常好, 不用担心。我从8万开到10万, 啥事也没有。日本车3。8的发动机可能蚝油比它还大些。再说, 克令顿也有一部。 哈哈。
              • thank you !
              • which is true?
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛汪激昂

                注册日期: March 26, 2001
                发表数量: 43
                alignment problem
                Ford charges some 60 dollars plus tax only. Try your car's dealer.
                发表时间 May 18, 2001 21:13


                注册日期: March 26, 2001
                发表数量: 43
                ye xiaoming
                Ye Xiaoming is okay to go for changing oil, but NEVER do any real job at his place.
                Last winter, I had one tire moderately leaking, two slitely leaking, so I had him repaired 3 of them. He charged me 60 dollars which would be 36 dollars plus tax at dealers' place. I didn't complain at all because he usually charges 20 dollars only for oil changing. He got to have some place to make more profit just like anyone else.

                The result: two were fixed, but one formerly slitely leaking tire was fixed to be quick leaking. Well, it is just fine for me since nobody can garantee a perfect work. I went back to him. He told me he was too busy that week. I said fine and drove home. The tire was really leaking fast. I had to recharge it every week. Please notice it was deep winter. Imagine how terrible to expose yourself in the minus 20 degree for minutes.

                I went back two week later. He said he was busy again. No problem, I drove back. This thing went back and forth for 5 times, each time he told me he had something more important to do. At last, he agreed to fix it for me. He hanged the car and spread some soup fluid onto the tire. Bubbles were emerging quickly. He commented: this leaking is just too little to fix. He recommanded to buy some magic thing from Canadian tire to fix it myself. He let me go.

                During the whole winter, I recharged the tire once a week. My god, it was terrible. At someday this last March, I went back again, directly insisted him to fix it for me. He did. It took him about 10 minutes to do it. He charged me 30 dollars (he pretended forgot he has charged 20 dollars for it before and he seemed to have no price standard at all so that he charges you as per his immediate feeling). I paid him. And God bless me, it worked.

                Today, I still go to his place to change oil. But I now realize that he is okay only for changing oil. He doesn't have any sense to give you any warrantee and for none routine projects, he charges far more than dealers.

                I am very sorry to say some bad story about people. I usually don't do that. God forgive me. And readers, please take my story as reference only.

                I wish Ye XiaoMing serve our mainland chinese community better than ever.

                [This message was edited by 汪激昂 on May 16, 2001 at 19:12.]

                发表时间 May 16, 2001 19:05


                注册日期: March 26, 2001
                发表数量: 43
                I had a transmission problem recently. I felt the car hesitated a lot when I pressed gass pedale. So I asked him to estimate the cost to have it fixed. He said it would be at 1,000 to 1,900 Canadian range because a transmission problem could never be a trivial one. I somewhat trusted him. Yes, as you may guess, I am a car idiot just like many of us. You ask somebody in the street. You usually get a similiar answer that the estimation is reasonable.
                I told the story to my teamleader who suggested me go to Ford to have a computer analysis anyway. At Ford, after 79 dollars, it turned out to be a sensor problem. A sensor that understands the current position of the gear in transmission was broken, so the transmission works randomly and frantically.

                I spent some 79 dollars for computer check. 95 dollars for the sensor, and 3 hour labour. It summed up to be 400 dollars including the computer work.

                My goodness, I saved myself thousands of dollars. I am lucky.

                发表时间 May 16, 2001 19:31更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • ARE YOU A LIAR?
                  • 我要在什么地方得罪您了, 我现在道歉。 不过, 看来你的不礼貌是因为我没有像你那样爱上日本车吧?
                • 轮胎漏气和换一个小小的传感器都不致让我认为是大问题。你呢?
            • 事实上,美国车不好的评价一般来自没有开过美国车的人士。所谓以讹传诈罢了。即使不考虑政治性仰, 美日之间我也是选择美国车。
              • 同意!!!!!
              • AGREE!!! Somebody said I will regret for my Alero, but, did he ever drive an Alero???
              • 激昂兄,可惜不可以一试你的野马(你太远了)。有机会你也应该试试GRAND CHEROKEE LIMITED,4.7或5.8 升 V8 引擎的那种。
                在你打着引擎的时候,那种发动机的低沉 轰鸣,伴随着低频的丝丝声,你就会忍不住的激动。当你的脚从煞车踏板上刚一放松,它就象要脱缰的野马。油门轻踩,它就直奔而出了。