1. It makes little sense to make a loan if you can't get more than 7000 every two terms. cause 1. you won't need to repay anything more than 7000 per academic year 2. interest rate is so low, how much you own money can make for you from saving in bank? if you really need that money to support your study, different.
2. after graduation, the interest rate is prime + 2.5%, pretty high, but not that high u mentioned
3. if u want loan, move all savings from canadian banks, as loan office is authorized to check all your financial info. no new car.
4. i guess u take MBA.
5. almost hopeless for u to get more this time, loan office is most inefficient institution in canada. just prepare better for next year.
6.if you really want to argue, make an appointment with an officer. letter,fax, or talking to desk person is all uselss.
2. after graduation, the interest rate is prime + 2.5%, pretty high, but not that high u mentioned
3. if u want loan, move all savings from canadian banks, as loan office is authorized to check all your financial info. no new car.
4. i guess u take MBA.
5. almost hopeless for u to get more this time, loan office is most inefficient institution in canada. just prepare better for next year.
6.if you really want to argue, make an appointment with an officer. letter,fax, or talking to desk person is all uselss.