...I sincerely appreciate your discovering and unlocking my capabilities and capacities so that I could make myself more useful and valuable to you all and people surrounding me.
Thank you for your recognition and I will make sure your investment in me is worthy and your great intent has been received and memorized.
这里没有这样的话,也不需要感谢,可以表达会努力工作或者对上司领导能力的夸奖。比如I feel so lucky under your direction, you are the best manager we have met之类拍马屁的话
一般套路是这样的 “you are ___? my hubby always talks about you” "o? talking good or bad about me?" "of cuz good things~ he says it's lucky to have u as his boss...' 然后就可以专心吃饭了... 千万别 overdo it...