I have a question: Does responsibility mean (in this case) being (1) responsible for her feelings? (2) responsible for her life? (3) responsible for her demand? (4) responsible for the relationship?I used to just accept this concept, but suddenly am confused...
-mocha(Winnie, the Pooh);
Do you want the truth?Can you handle the truth? Because I was like him not so long ago. I know exactly what's up with this kinda guys...
-mocha(Winnie, the Pooh);
I think it's just his game.Or he's being not confident enough... especially you've not been encouraging...
-mocha(Winnie, the Pooh);
I don't know, 但直觉总不会是game,我虽然没有什么感情经验,但毕竟是结过婚的女人,不会那么容易受骗,况且一切都是在逐渐中加深的,一开始两个人不是唇齿相讥,就是冷嘲热讽。你呢,你那个时候也是在play吗?
Neither of the 2 possibilities is good enough, so you may want to forget about this guy. I believe you will find someone who is both considerate and confident. Not losers like us.GTG, Later.
-mocha(Winnie, the Pooh);
U mean your guys never even meet yet? If so, u should put him down, at least don't take him so seriously yet.
#4 is for sure! others I prefer the word: share! :-)
Share the moment, share life... (what's the commercial? I forgot)
-mocha(Winnie, the Pooh);
I am so impressed by your story and even by your using Throne Bird as logining name. I am sure nobody can understand you more than me because I had same experience in my previous marriage.My tears are down and I can say nothing to you but MAKING the DECISION to forget him because you will be tortured more for the love in him and obviously the end will be a tragedy.
I can't agree with you more. 曾经很羡慕人家BF或LG送了多少朵玫瑰花什么的,也为自己得不到而伤心过。但我现在觉得幸福是掌握在自己手里的,只要女人保持独立,你想要的什么都可以靠自己的力量得到。