回pigking: My Point:"应该加上2项因素-地产增殖和通货膨胀".举例可以省略.YouCan Argue:地产增殖和通货膨胀可能是负.但多数情况不是.从Google Toronto 80年平均房价7万5, 其它城市有比我例子涨的快的.回lallyjack:89年到96下跌有85到89年急速上涨在先,大趋势见link 中图
哎,真不敢相信你还是理财专业博士呢。Yes, it happened. If you buy in the market peaks of 1901, 1906, 1915, 1929, 1937, 1946, 1968. your 20 yr average REAL return would be less than 4%.
投资是有风险的。‘投资黄金定律’与投资无风险并不能划上等号。有许许多多的人,可能也包括你们2头“猪”(没有贬义,只是你们的雅号),投资都超过了市场指数。过去56年(1950-2006)TSX平均回报率10.7%, S&P500 平均回报率12.0%.US small Stock index 平均回报率13.8%。
In fact, if you get in the market in 1966, 15 yrs later, in 1981, you would find out your total REAL return was -0.4%/yr (compound). that means after inflation, only $92 left for every $100 invested 15 year earlier. Sad!!!!