+1! The true love is that when real crisis comes, when no one, absolutely no one, from rolia or elsewhere, is willing to help, and he/she is still there for you - all so very naturally, and no reason needed.
"剥头大蒜"偶尔一次, 吸一下地毯"得你陪着小心地三请四邀, "难过得时候"跟你说"you are already a big girl; I know you can handle"; "把胳膊给挽挽"时跟你说都什么时候了没见儿子在后面吗?倒是每天都愿意坐下来吃你做的饭, 一副吃得心定定的神态, 却实实在在说不出一个谢字. 提醒一下, 跟你说一声"辛苦了", 等他去做家务事的话, 你知道他的事后总结肯定是表功~~~ 这样, 是不是也幸福呢? --- 有种感觉叫 sense of security, 午夜梦回时, 枕边不空.