"The excrement made physical contact with a hydro-electric powered oscillating air current distribution device"
Who are they 呀?你看你象不象国内那个“我爸是李刚”?无话可说,心虚腿软,就一定要说“我爸是李刚”。瞧你无知加独裁,又来文字狱,又来株连九族,又来断章取意,刻意歪曲,共产党的手法应用的很上手呀。是不是PM李刚他爸了?
HP China? Which year? I was there 96-98.. I knew Terry and Gerry - had to support their PC and laptop too many times..Had to confess that I knew their beautiful assistants much better.. . Then Terry moved on to TI and Gerry returned to Taiwan...