我这里有以下这些perennial ground cover可以分给大家. 想要的网友请跟贴. 没人要的就不带去了.1. dead netle: pink-purple flower, white stripe leaves
2. Sweet woodruff: white flower, 叶子很香, 过去是酿啤酒的不可缺香料, 现在禁止使用. 干叶子可以驱虫
3. cat mint: 紫花, 很香, 不是herb, 据说cat特喜欢吃, 有猫出入的恐怕养不了了, 我家的cat mint从没cat 光顾过
4. carpet bugleweed: living carpet, light traffic tolerance, can grow well in full shade to full sun. blue flower in May-June, evergreen
5. hens and chicks
我也要,刚开垦了10米长地方,原来育的苗好多没有按计划出来,只出来了黄瓜,sunflower 和dehila所以现在要求苗了,什么都得。 dead netle ,hens and chicks ,catmint and Sweet woodruff.
I will bring seedlings of cucumber (Northeast of China breed) , also some big green bean seeds. What I expect to get are only perennial plants------Please see inside.1. lavender (you just dig out from your yard)
2. black eyed Susan Daisy
3. Variegated Pachysandra
4.Perennial Fountain Grass or any other beautiful grass
5. Fern