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Thanks for the advice. I know the issue and I understand. and believe me I have tried my best to do more at home .We are just like any other couple who has

to work, take care of the kids and the house chores. The thing is we can not take this as excuse not to have private time/intimacy with our partner. I don't need to have full course every time, even McDonald will do. I am trying to be spontenous, not the routing thing that only can be done in the bedroom, after kids fall asleep with the lights-off. We are married legally and why can't we have a good fuck in the broad daylight in our own house?? I don't even have a warm hug or kiss on the cheek from him. He would just sit infront of the TV, or on the computer.
well, other than that, he is a good father, good husband if you use the normal standard to measure him
Complain is complain, but I don't know if i should spend the rest of life with him. I can see my next 20 years already - marriage without sex or very little sex. It is like a candy a little kid tried and the little kid was only given one candy a year at x-max ....
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  • Questions to JJMM; how often do you have sex with your husband? do you always have orgasm? I have been married for years but I am not sure if I have ever had one...,
    we made babies of course.

    2nd question: How do you turn on your husband? while both of you have full time/demanding jobs with house chores waiting at home?

    I am attractive but just could not get my husband want me as much as i want him.

    Maybe i should ask for professional help...
    any input is much appreciated!!
    • Thanks for the pm's. I understand/realize that every couple and everybody is different. Are there anything I can do to increase his demand/interest in having more sex?
      When manopause comes, women can not enjoy sex as much as before and I do want to enjoy as much as I can before the day comes. I guess it is an obvious imbalance of demand and supply..., any way to increase the supply from my husband's side?
      • North America is a Dept Financial Mechanism market. Demand never able to balance the supply. Besides, how could you know the menopause will certainly reduce the enjoyment of your sexual life? Save some for your future.
    • the world always can not balance very well.
      • Can't agree more...
    • 希望你能看懂中文:我想夫妻的性生活要看年龄和环境。比如你们才30岁,这时候男人比较欲望强,但妻子有很多怀孕和哺乳的时期,可能不能满足丈夫,
    • 等45岁以后,孩子都打了。但丈夫有很多 的加班和工作。身体透支太多。可能无法满足妻子的性欲。这就要互相体谅,多让丈夫休息和锻炼。适当在做爱的时候用新颖的刺激手段。也许可以有成效。
      • Thanks for the advice. I know the issue and I understand. and believe me I have tried my best to do more at home .We are just like any other couple who has
        to work, take care of the kids and the house chores. The thing is we can not take this as excuse not to have private time/intimacy with our partner. I don't need to have full course every time, even McDonald will do. I am trying to be spontenous, not the routing thing that only can be done in the bedroom, after kids fall asleep with the lights-off. We are married legally and why can't we have a good fuck in the broad daylight in our own house?? I don't even have a warm hug or kiss on the cheek from him. He would just sit infront of the TV, or on the computer.
        well, other than that, he is a good father, good husband if you use the normal standard to measure him
        Complain is complain, but I don't know if i should spend the rest of life with him. I can see my next 20 years already - marriage without sex or very little sex. It is like a candy a little kid tried and the little kid was only given one candy a year at x-max ....
        • 如果丈夫实在是不愿意,你可以和他当面谈谈,把你的困惑和希望告诉他,这样最少他可以知道你的要求,如果他还顾及你的感受他也许会努力的改变现状。从根本上改变想法,一起努力达到你的要求。
          • it is completely wrong only work with
            your husband. both man and woman need more than one partners for sure. otherwise it is absolutely boring. I don't know who the fuck firstly make the rule that one partner only in this world. I guess it is one of the ancient king :)
        • Happy family has the same story, unhappy diverse. Very sorry for your situation and don't know how to deal with this either. May be taking your husband to 'strip club' or educating him?
    • just for the record, i have not had sex with my husband for 2 yrs. it is not a big deal if you ignore it.
      • 妹妹有此定力,我也很是佩服。不过如果是自己不想和自己想而能压制住。那样的不同还是很大的
        • no-sex-with-husband doesn't mean no-sex-wit-lovers, why need to 压制住?
          just kidding...lol
      • wow, how old are you? That's abnormal.
      • thanks for the suggestion but it really won't work for me. I can not just ingore it...
        • at beginning, you felt
          relief from sort of routine, then you suspicious about your ability of having sex, then you got depressed:), i laughed because Depressed is a big word, you Know the meaning only when you experienced it; then it's up to you to figure out a solution, either do it yourself or grab a someone.
      • what have you done to make you forget or ingore the desire? I am trying and will be making myself very busy, but not sure if this will work though
        • try to think this way, my dear: having too much sex makes you look older~~
          • but I have read a few articles and apprently having regular sex makes women look younger.
            • definitely you are right
          • you are so wrong, having good sex make your skin glow, look young and keep your heart young. It's not healthy not to have sex for two years. On the other hand, your husband is not here with you? How can he not to have sex for two years too?
            • Lucky you...since you have a bf who could satisfy you. I do want look young and radiant , I guess I just have to work with what i have and make the best of it.
              Maybe i should tell him that if he has sex with me 3 times a week, it will seriously consider reducing my expenditure on pricy anti-aging cream and all other cosmetics products that I have been trying to test on myself ( big fat lab guinea pig). You are my best bet and it does not cost a penny!!!
      • You really need to talk to each other...
      • 你真行, 简直就是太“行”山了
      • So now, it pass 2 and half years? Or still continuing
    • not input, it is supposed to insert.
    • 一定要锻炼身体。我们隔天做gym,性大概每周最少3次。感觉身体虚弱性欲就不大了。
      • Apprently he is busy and has no time for excising..., i go to gym 3-4 times a week. i guess i should stop working out...
        • 看来工作压力是主因了。要不尝试食疗,韭菜生蚝羊肉对我家挺管用的。你有多余的精力,就做大强度的锻炼或者用情趣用品来缓解。
        • You should keep on working out. Working out is not just for sex but for your own well being in the long run.
          • that is correct. actually excercise does not need too much time. like jogging, climbing stairs etc.
      • 顶,经常去gym确实很有帮助。出了体型好之外还能保持性欲旺盛。
        • of course, i go to gym to get fit, but apprently it also increses my sexual demand as well, bonus point which i was not expecting... anyway heading back to gym after the extra long weekend, hope everybody had good holiday
          • it's actually not something you can do..the problem is at your hubby.. you just give your best shot and talk to your hubby and figure out why he is no longer intertested in the bed things...take it easy. sis....
            • 老公老婆时间长了。也没有什么新鲜感了。做爱就象吃"白菜"
    • unfortunately (or fortunately),很多最好的日子都是在孩子大些之后才有的。不要着急,不要悲叹人生苦短,前途是光明的,道路是曲折的。。。