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Replies, comments and Discussions:

  • 枫下拾英 / 心情随笔 / 我有两个梦想
    中彩票. 中大奖.
    • 送你两朵花
      • 说得妙
      • 李嘉诚的原配夫人两朵都有了,可是。。。。。 (#5533357@0)
        • 财富分物质和精神两个层面,精神的乞丐更加可怜
          • (#5548810@0)
            • 油和米是快乐的物质基础
              • 94,先吃喝,后玩乐。下次少喝点。
                本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛回乡散记
                by blue_bird (蓝鸢) at 2009.8.14 10:32 (#5483903@0)
                <本文发表于: 相约加拿大:枫下论坛 www.rolia.net/forum >


                坐在角落,想着从前在这里吃花生米和啤酒的情形,手中的咖啡就越喝越不是滋味。起身想抽离这个回想,空杯却被一个大嫂劈手夺下。我说这个杯子应该自己扔,大嫂近乎哀伤地说:” 你自己扔,我就没活干了。“





                我偷眼看了看这个小姐,长得也颇有几分姿色,就是个子欠些。不过,配路上鸭子也挺合适。可惜的是,由于喝多了些酒,那个QQ号被我弄丢了。更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
                • "这是我的QQ号,麻烦您给我介绍个加拿大对象。”....那个QQ号被我弄丢了....
                  • 下次少喝点,就不会丢QQ号了。
              • 蔬菜, 水果, 肉, 盐, 糖?
      • 送你一朵花
    • 99% 的实现这两个梦想的人5年后都回到实现梦想前的生活水平。
      • 或者更惨
        • 葡萄很酸!
          • 世界十大彩票悲剧
            • 中彩票是自己一生最错误的事。....可还是人人争先恐后地买....
              • 最聪明的人上马道夫的当,咱们一般的人上彩票的当。
                • 所谓上当是指丢财,不是中奖~~
                  • 丢财,也丢人。
            • 全世界每年中大奖的那么多,只不过才十个悲剧,大多数人肯定还是幸福的~~
              • ZM But for many lottery winners, the reality is more like a nightmare. . #5555944@0)
                • 那就让我每天nightmare好了,我不在意:)~~
                  • 俺不下地狱谁下?....恶梦留给俺吧, 求你了!...
                    • 容易 (#5556037@0)
                      • 前提是中了, 然后才....
                  • 把所有的财产变现,来买彩票,每天就是nightmare
      • 没有统计数据请不要瞎说~~
        • ZM For a lot of people, winning the lottery is the American dream. But for many lottery winners, the reality is more like a nightmare.
          本文发表在 rolia.net 枫下论坛8 lottery winners who lost their millions

          Having piles of cash only compounds problems for some people. Here are sad tales of foolishness, hit men, greedy relatives and dreams dashed.

          By Bankrate.com

          For a lot of people, winning the lottery is the American dream. But for many lottery winners, the reality is more like a nightmare.

          "Winning the lottery isn't always what it's cracked up to be," says Evelyn Adams, who won the New Jersey lottery not just once, but twice (1985, 1986), to the tune of $5.4 million. Today the money is all gone and Adams lives in a trailer.

          "I won the American dream but I lost it, too. It was a very hard fall. It's called rock bottom," says Adams.

          "Everybody wanted my money. Everybody had their hand out. I never learned one simple word in the English language -- 'No.' I wish I had the chance to do it all over again. I'd be much smarter about it now," says Adams, who also lost money at the slot machines in Atlantic City.

          "I was a big-time gambler," admits Adams. "I didn't drop a million dollars, but it was a lot of money. I made mistakes, some I regret, some I don't. I'm human. I can't go back now so I just go forward, one step at a time."
          Living on food stamps
          William "Bud" Post won $16.2 million in the Pennsylvania lottery in 1988 but now lives on his Social Security.

          "I wish it never happened. It was totally a nightmare," says Post.

          A former girlfriend successfully sued him for a share of his winnings. It wasn't his only lawsuit. A brother was arrested for hiring a hit man to kill him, hoping to inherit a share of the winnings. Other siblings pestered him until he agreed to invest in a car business and a restaurant in Sarasota, Fla., -- two ventures that brought no money back and further strained his relationship with his siblings.

          Post even spent time in jail for firing a gun over the head of a bill collector. Within a year, he was $1 million in debt.

          Post admitted he was both careless and foolish, trying to please his family. He eventually declared bankruptcy.

          Now he lives quietly on $450 a month and food stamps.

          "I'm tired, I'm over 65 years old, and I just had a serious operation for a heart aneurysm. Lotteries don't mean (anything) to me," says Post.
          Deeper in debt
          Suzanne Mullins won $4.2 million in the Virginia lottery in 1993. Now she's deeply in debt to a company that lent her money using the winnings as collateral.

          She borrowed $197,746.15, which she agreed to pay back with her yearly checks from the Virginia lottery through 2006. When the rules changed allowing her to collect her winnings in a lump sum, she cashed in the remaining amount. But she stopped making payments on the loan.

          She blamed the debt on the lengthy illness of her uninsured son-in-law, who needed $1 million for medical bills.更多精彩文章及讨论,请光临枫下论坛 rolia.net
          • 统计是破除迷信的主要手段。个例不说明问题。我想说的是,大多数中奖的人其实是幸福的。世界上最大的不幸,其实是贫穷~~
            • 是吗? (#5533775@0)
            • 有些人穷的只剩下钱了 (#5533357@0)
    • 小时候看七色花,不知道该许什么愿望。现在知道了,先扔一瓣要钱,其他六个备用~~