Nothing to do with origin, something to do with respect and succeed heritage, I myself came from another continent, still want to watch Royal wedding 。。。
noproblem(密西洒家。o O)
(#6644307@0) Last Updated: 2011-4-27 This post has been archived. It cannot be replied.
枫下家园 / 人到中年 / 刚才1同事说,她本周5要放假1天-原因是她要凌晨3点起来看电视里王子王妃的结婚盛典。她的原话- This is part of our heritage. omg,要是她不说,俺根本不记得他们本周5结婚
-uptowngirl(若初 春眠中);
This is part of our heritage. yes, indeed. Williams will be our King someday, His Majesty King will be the King of Canada as well。。。
-noproblem(密西洒家。o O);
刚才又吃一斤:某部门经理发邮件跟大家宣布,她不能参加周5例会-While you are all sitting at the boardroom discussing UOM, Bella and I will be in our P.J.’s sipping cappuccinos and watching the ROYAL WEDDING!
-uptowngirl(若初 春眠中);
Nothing to do with origin, something to do with respect and succeed heritage, I myself came from another continent, still want to watch Royal wedding 。。。
-noproblem(密西洒家。o O);