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工作学习 / 求学深造 / 有谁知道,在拿E.I其间参加了一个day-time的学习班(免费学英语,可获得一个证书如grade12的那种),而没有通知,E.I的官员,这会有什么后果?有谁知道,在拿E.I其间参加了一个day-time的学习班(免费学英语,可获得一个证书如grade12的那种),而没有通知,E.I的官员,这会有什么后果?好像拿E.I的人参加任何全天的学习班都要报告,且经允许后才可以学习,是这样的吗,在网上怎么查不到相关信息。那位朋友愿意帮忙指点,谢谢!
as much as I know from a friend who applied EI, she is attending a LINCnow ,she said she only need to show the EI officer the certificate of attending the class, then it is OK. so I think for your case, as long as you show them your grade 12 certificate, it is fine. by the way, would you tell me where you find the free English learning Center for grade 12? I was told you can get the grade 12 after you finish the high school, but the high school is not free. 奇怪ing.
-beautiful-life(beautiful 2003);