Excuse me. For my information, competence and ability are similar with ability as the fundamental basis of competence. Without ability, there will be no competence, and vise versa.
There is nothing wrong with "social service" per se, but something perhaps subtle with the attitudes of some social service workers (or social workers). Some social workers consciously or unconsciouly think ofhemselves as angels to save the world, which is an attitude that might not be welcomed by those who are not soical workers.
Same case with policemen. Nobody really like them except themselves, while all people need them when they are in need.
No matter how much some people 对social service这么耿耿于怀, still social service are enomously needed and will never and ever disappear.
Right, I think the most important personality for a social worker is his/her non-judgemental attitude and objectivity, while some posts initiated by happymarriage(幸福婚姻) seem lacking in this respect,which distrust of some readers.
..which might cause distrust of some readers at Rolia.
很多人骗取钱财 does not ONLY happenin 这社会服务或社会福利, which is a general social phenomenon and happening everywhere else, such that politicians 骗取钱财 much more than most of us.
How do you know that? Any statistical or concrete evidences? If you do not have or cannot have, you may need to take your words back, because they are not trustworthy.
I agree with you on this point. :) I personally don't trust any employment training programs,and have never and ever been there and done that.
You may need to know that 找工,简历 or LINK or ESL are only small parts of social services. Most social services are dealing with social crimes, health issues and abuses and so forth,which are essential for social stability.
social service如果是义工? If they are always volunteers, how can they make a living? who is going to support them financially? I respect social service 义工, but I personally trust more in professional social workers,because they are specially trained to do the job,and they need salaries for a living just as you. Anyone wants to be a factory 义工? I don't think so.
Most 义工 have golden hearts and noble spirit, while they may not have professional knowledge that some clients really need.
一个事实是很多作SOCIAL SERVICE的人是找不到工作的, 开这种公司的老板更是不
会任何别的生意的。 政府有义务管夫妻吵架吗?有义务给人出律师吗?有义务给你
找工作吗? 有很多宗教和社会组织干这些事情。加拿大的政府不去降低税收增加
就业, 以为化些钱给什么工作培训的公司就能提高就业。 SOCAIL SERVICE也类似。
-cerboros(Once Upon Great King);
很多作SOCIAL SERVICE的人是找不到工作的? How do you know this? SOCIAL SERVICE的人 have much more chances to find jobs than computer programmers.
Have you forgot that EI plus subsidised daycare are SOCAIL SERVICE as well? I have never and ever heard anyone told me that EI is unnecessary.
Read my words carefully, otherwise, you don't know what I am talking about. I didn't say 社工为什么就不能够是义工, instead, what I said is that 社工 have to make a living, which means 社工 cannot depend on 义工for a living. You work for money, right? Can you be a 义工 forever? If you are a 义工 forever, who supports you financially?
义工就是白干,实质就是被剥削? What a surprise. I have to end this conversation with you, because you are in another world which I don't know where is. Learn something Canadian, because you are in Canada.
如果政府不发给社工工资,还会有人去做社工吗?If your boss 不发 you 工资,you 还会去做工吗?Ask yourself. What a question is this? Sometimes I am just wondering how old you are. One year old or what? Grow up.
义工 is becoming more and more popular in China, especially in big cities, such that Shanghai public libraries have many 义工 just as Toronto public libraries.