You must have some good time as well. Those good time is the blessing from your marriage.Even if you choose to be divorced some day, that good time was still part of your life. Be happy for what you get and work for what your want.
我如今的处境与你相似。。。赠送给楼主一句话,Tom Hanks主演的<Cast awawy>中,主人公在经受了种种打击之后,只淡淡地说:“But I keep breathing. Tomorrow the Sun will rise. Who knows what the tide will bring?”,如果知道他的经历,你会被深深地触动。我如今的处境与你相似,但我鼓励自己要挺住。退一步,海阔天空,以后的人生说不定会更精彩呢。与你共勉。