3套房(1house+1 or 2 codo)+抚养小孩+4个老人生活费用+全部人的旅游费(自家去,不带老的去,要若不高兴滴--That is my target, but not sure how much income will be enough?
I know a couple about 35 years old without kids earning 70,000 per year, has one house and one codo in Yonge and Finch. They have rented all the rooms except one for themselves to live.Aftering landing in Canada for 7 years , the man's mother ( father has died) has immigrated to Canada and live with them.
楼主said it is for 有能力的年轻人. And every family is different, if the child is only child and think it is worthy to live the life for 7 years, who else can say more?As far as I more, parents do love their kids more than the kids love their parents. My mum used to say, the parents love the kids in order to pay last life's debt.
"我估计子女对于自己父母的爱往往比不过父母对子女的爱", you have to accept the fact. Ask yourself, what did you do to your own parents?
agree, Qiong Shan Er Shui Chu Diao Ming. I feel said that a so-called 50's university graduate would choose to stay just because his beloved home country couldn't offer him free medication