主要还是RPG/cobol做后台,web上用LANSA for web
Thanks. Lansa for Web uses CGI, doesn't it?
Actually, everything in LNSA for web is intergrated.HTML, XML, Javascript,
I agree with you, though I see no sign that my employer is going to abandon AS/400 in the next several years. So, what do you think we can do to keep ourselves valuable when AS/400 fades away?
My Employer is aslo focusing on AS/400Actually, nobody has clear mind of it.
Actually, UL is only one of the solutions.You can consider other solutions like Critical Illness,Disability Insurance which will protect yourself for income losing.
楼上的讨论似乎都集中在受益者一方面, 仅仅maple2000一人提及避税问题. (but i think his point is not right, though). 今天有一投资理财顾问来我家,对我介绍的UL, 听起来简直这个UL是加拿大最好的投资方式了.
Actually,Insurance is not for the purpose of investment.It provides protection against income losing in the case of death and disability.
人寿保险存在是有其意义的,但是否必要引人而异。Universal Life Insurance在给你生命保险的同时提供了一种延税投资的手段。对于年老时候的保障有一定意义。但不要指望Universal Life Insurance会让你快速致富。
然也! Rollor 说: "你买的这个投资型的人寿保险,是给高薪人士投资的。即使是高收入家庭,用不用这种方式投资,也很有争议". #752321 but I think what the consultant told me was also right, thatwe are making more and more money. The UL provide us a place that we can get tax free income. So I think it should be a good place, as long as you are considering buying bonds funds and even stocks.
He said that the money is not lock in the UL, as oppose to RRSP. You can get your investment out any time.
But 看到"我的保险专家"这样的高手都对UL敬而远之, 因为"不用自己打理"更让我觉得听到的和看到的不能对上号. 所以恳请高手指点一二.
This tax shelter can account for 3~4% of the "income". So a tax free gain of %6 would be about 10% gain pre-tax... at least this is what I was told. Yeah, I think you are right, 1000+ a year is a bit more, butas I hope, we will make more and more money, as time go by, especially after 5 or 6 years after our immigration, that we can totally fit into the 主流社会... We should be able to make some money, and worry about tax sheltering by then.
I'm just estimation, or dreaming :-). I'm still looking for the job now though. :-)
My suggestionInsurance is for the purpose of protection against risk.Stock has high risk.If you like stock,you can go to invest in stock market.Otherwise maybe your investment account inside insurance policy will be negative.
Term Life Insurance 哪家公司的好?
As to Term, choose the cheapest one. Price is the prime consideration as there is no investmt, no saving as UL. Big company doesn't mean they are good at Term.
Term 是否可以随时取消?我看到都是10年或20年的TERM。
yes, you can if you pay monthly. there are a lot kind of term, 1, 5, 10,20,100 years term.